Twilight in Vegas - WPPI

I touched down in Las Vegas on Sunday afternoon to cover WPPI 2012 at the MGM Grand.

MGM Grand at Dusk, Las Vegas An Olympus E-PL2 set to 1/2 second at f/16 at dusk. I wanted the traffic in the foreground to add motion to the image.

The Wedding & Portrait Photographers International event is enjoyable because of the stars it attracts and the energy generated by its youthful audience. In addition to blog posts and photos, I'll also record this week's TDS Podcast here in Las Vegas and share some of that great energy to those of you who are back home.

Conference Center, MGM Grand Las Vegas Attendees leaving class up the escalators from the Conference Center. I set the Olympus E-PL2 to f/8 at 1 second, ISO 200.

So, stay tuned. There's more to come.

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