Google Maps for iPad Essential Gear for Mobile Photogs

Finally we have an iPad version of the modern Google Maps, and mobile photographers will appreciate its navigation muscle plus new "explore" and indoors mapping feature. That's right, you can now use Google Maps to find locations inside airports and malls. So when you just arrive at a new destination, you have half a chance of locating the services you need.

Google Maps on an iPad An indoors map of San Francisco International Airport

Other helpful tools include visual traffic indicators, bike routes, public transit, direct link to Google Earth, walking directions, and more. iPad-toting photographers on the go should definitely have this version of Google Maps downloaded and ready to navigate.

iPad for Digital Photographers

This is the kind of stuff I write about in iPad for Digital Photographers-- now available in print, Kindle, and iBooks format.

Join me on my Instagram site as I explore the world of mobile photography. And now Instagram features 15-second movies too.