Olympus Pancake Zoom with Auto Lens Cap

The new Olympus 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 EZ zoom is a truly fun optic.

The motorized zooming feature can be controlled with an "easy to grip" ring on the lens barrel, of via the Olympus Share iOS app (as I did in this video). The optic automatically extends when you turn on the camera, and retracts when you power down. This provides a nifty compact camera experience, even though this is a serious interchangeable lens system model.

For even more fun, however, you might want to invest in the Auto Open Lens Cap that reveals the front optic on powering up, and protects it when you turn off the camera.

Add it all up, and you have a 28mm-84mm (equivalent) zoom that is less than an inch long and weighs only 3.2 ounces, can be controlled remotely with your mobile phone, and accepts a nifty auto lens cap accessory.

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