Warm Spring days are perfect for outdoor photography. The landscape remains green from Winter rains, the days are a bit longer, and temperatures tend to be milder compared to their Summer counterparts.
At the same time, however, we tend not to be in as good hiking shape as we will be later in the season. So it's often best to keep it light for those first few climbs up the mountain.
"Top of the Ridge" - Olympus PEN-F with 14-42mm EZ zoom. Photo by Derrick Story.
- 1 liter water bottle
- Mirrorless camera with lightweight zoom lens.
- Basic hiking essentials (sunblock, shades, hat, etc.)
And that's it.
As you work into shape over the Spring/Summer, you can modify your gear list. But don't overdo it on the first couple hikes.
One thing that I've learned is that biking shape is not hiking shape. Ease into your treks and you'll have a better time and still get great shots.
You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.