How to Replace a Sky in Luminar 2018

Not only are layers easy to use in Luminar 2018, they are fun as well. Using an adjustment layer to replace a boring sky is a perfect example.

In this free video, I show you how to create a new adjustment layer, then add and adjust a dynamic sky to improve a scenic photo. This technique only takes a few minutes to learn. And it can really improve some of your images.

Use an image layer to replace a sky from Luminar Essential Training by Derrick Story

In the past, you may have thought that layers weren't for you. With Luminar 2018 and my training videos, you may just change your mind about that.


Rock Luminar with my new Essential Training

You learn all the ins and outs of Luminar 2018 via my Essential Training on and on LinkedIn Learning. It's fun, and I promise, you will learn a lot.