This is The Digital Story Podcast #946, May 7, 2024. Today's theme is "The Inspiration Battle - 5 Tips to Overcome the Blahs." I'm Derrick Story.
Opening Monologue
An Inner Circle member recently posted that he's been uninspired lately. Others chimed in that it happens to us all at times. And when it does, what can be done? This week I share 5 tips to overcome photographer's block. Plus, a very tempting offer for our podcast audience, and a peek at Peakto Search. All of this, and more, on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.
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The Inspiration Battle - 5 Tips to Overcome the Blahs
Any artistic pursuit is vulnerable to creative block, and photography is no exception. Here are five tips to help get things moving again.
- Go Back in Time - Every photographer has a stash of old gear that's impossible to part with. But instead of letting it languish in the back of the closet, pull out that camera from 2014, charge its batteries, and wander outside. Challenge yourself to make a great shot with a decade-old camera.
- Shoot a Roll of Film - Nothing will help you appreciate your current mirrorless like revisiting an analog camera from your past. In stead of challenging yourself to capture a great shot, like in tip #1, see if you can even get a good shot out of a roll of 36. This process will activate parts of your brain that haven't been used in years.
- Break Out a Vintage Lens - There's something about looking at the world through a 40-year-old optic that summons our inner artist. One of my favorites for this exercise is the Nikkor 105mm Ai-S F2.5 lens that Steve McCurry made famous with his shot of the Afghan Girl on a Nikon FM2. Every time I put that lens on a modern Nikon, I feel obligated to do it justice.
- Take a Trip to Bizarro World - Just like the Seinfeld episode where Elaine's new friend is the exact opposite of Jerry (Season 8, Episode 3), go out and take pictures of a subject that you never tackle. If you're a landscape guy, go to the city; if you love macro, challenge yourself with panoramas; only photograph sill lives, then set up a portrait session. By becoming a Bizarro Photographer, you will shake out the cobwebs and see the world with fresh eyes.
- Find a Photo Buddy - We tend to work so much alone that we miss opportunities and techniques right under our noses. Hanging out for a day with a photo buddy will help you see the world through someone else's eyes. Be sure to compare pictures at the end of the day and talk about why each of you shot what you did.
I promise you, if you embrace one or more of these challenges, you will begin to feel the rise of inspiration as you climb out of your creative rut.
The Inner Circle Membership Drive - Spring 2024
I've been enjoying our Inner Circle experience so much this year, I just can't help thinking that you would too. But I know how that is... there are certain things we just never get around to doing.
So I thought I could help with that. And I think you're really going to like this. For the next two weeks, we're having the Inner Circle Membership Drive.
If you haven't joined us yet, all you have to do is click on this link to go to our Patreon page, scroll to Choose Your Membership, click on Pay Annually, then click on the Join button. The annual membership is $54 a year.
The extra incentive is, once I see that you've joined the Inner Circle for a year, I'll send you a coupon code that will allow you to sign up for free, your choice of the Infrared Workshop in June, or the Printing Workshop in August. That's a $145 value!
This promotion is for annual memberships only. One coupon code for one online workshop per paid membership.
Plus, you will still receive all of the Inner Circle benefits including access to our exclusive space on DerrickStoryOnline and discounts for future online and in-person workshops. And you're helping to support our online community.
If you're an existing Inner Circle Member, you can still benefit from the membership drive. All you have to do is switch from monthly payments to the annual payment of $54, and you will also receive a coupon code for either online workshop. If you've left the Inner Circle and want to rejoin us, the same offer applies.
The Inner Circle Membership Drive runs from May 7, 2024 through May 22, 2024. Join us today and experience one of our online workshops.
Peakto Search for Capture One Pro and Lightroom
Utilizing AI, Peakto Search allows users to find any photos OR videos, based on a simple description or image. Capable of searching across multiple Catalogs, Peakto Search is always at hand in the menu bar and operates even when the app is closed. It instantly reveals results and enables users to open photos and videos directly in Capture One Pro or Lightroom.
Peakto Search functions as an intelligent search engine. With just a simple description or image-based query, the plugin retrieves corresponding photos or videos. No annotations or knowledge of storage locations are required; Peakto Search's advanced AI swiftly locates content.
Capture One Pro confines the ability to search for content to a Catalog or Session. Peakto Search extends this limit by offering a search that can be conducted across multiple Catalogs and Sessions simultaneously. Search results appear in real-time through previews of photos and videos. The video player preview available in the plugin highlights the segments in the video that exactly match the query or reference image.
Peakto Search stands out as a uniquely designed plugin. Nestled in the Mac menu bar, it remains effortlessly accessible, even when Capture One or Lightroom is closed, ensuring it serves as a reliable guide through your content. Seamlessly integrated with the editing software, it facilitates the opening of multiple photos and videos in Capture One Pro directly from the search results.
Peakto Search is now available for purchase on the CYME website, complete with a complimentary 7-day trial period exclusive to subscribers:
- 2-year subscription for $89 (equivalent to $5.41 per month)
- Annual subscription for $65
- Monthly subscription for $9 per month
- Unlimited license for $129
Optimized for macOS Ventura, Peakto Search requires macOS 12 (Monterrey) or later and can fully leverage Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3 chips. Peakto Search is compatible with Capture One Pro from version 20.
Firmware update roundup: Fujifilm, Nikon, Sony and Panasonic
You can read the entire article on
Infrared Photography Workshop - Online - June 2024
Do you feel like the world is looking like "the same old same old" through your camera's viewfinder? Have you felt your enthusiasm for photography waning? Then it's time for you to consider exploring infrared imaging.
Suddenly walks you've taken a hundred times look completely different as you see them through your camera. Old familiar subjects burst to life with new vibrancy. IR photography can energize your creativity, not only for this medium, but for all of your artistry.
Beginning June 5, 2024, join us for this 4-week exploration into the world of IR. During this event, you will learn:
- The best IR filter to start with.
- How to test your existing digital camera for infrared sensitivity.
- Learn about the different types of IR conversions for digital cameras.
- See how different IR filters produce wildly different results.
- Learn how to fine-tune your images with software you already own.
- Discover advanced techniques to take your images to the next level.
- And much, much more.
This online workshop (Zoom) begins on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, with both morning (9am PST) and evening sessions (4pm PST) available. We will convene weekly thereafter via Zoom for more training sessions (AM and PM), Q&A, and to compare notes. You can attend morning, evening, or both sessions. It's essentially the same content, just different participants.
It is so much fun.
Plus, you will have unlimited access to our online workshop community, DerrickStoryOnline. Here, you can mingle with other workshop participants (past and present), share images for comment, exchange tips and techniques, and enjoy the fellowship of other creatives who share your passion for image-making.
You can reserve your spot for the Infrared Online Workshop here.
Virtual Camera Club News
The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.
TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.
Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.
Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at
If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at
The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.
Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.
Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.
See you next week!
You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.