"Great Glass" - Podcast #40

Canon 17-40mm Lens

Lenses are to a photographer what brushes are to a painter. In this podcast I discuss some of the attributes that you might want to keep in mind when researching your next lens. Features such as maximum aperture, zooming range, construction, and focusing speed can be the difference between loving your lens or owning an expensive dust collector.

Keep in mind that a protection filter and lens hoods are more than just accessories, I consider them essentials. And if your lens is wide angle, you may want to investigate those special "thin" filters that don't cause vignetting around the edges.

I've also launched a new feature on The Digital Story called My Favorite Lens. This is your opportunity to tell others in the TDS community about your "go to glass" and why you like it so.

All of this and more in this week's podcast...

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Great Glass." You can download the podcast here (24 minutes).

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