Reykjavik Nights

Reykjavik Night

None of us have slept since Wednesday night, and it's about 1:30 am Saturday here in Reykjavik, Iceland. The sky is finally darkening. I took this image around 11:30 pm, and there was still plenty of light.

We had a great gathering tonight, beginning with an amazing slideshow presentation by master photographer Sigurgeir Sigurjonsson, followed by a three-course meal at the SAS Radission 1919 Hotel. All of the photographers had a chance to talk shop, compare travel notes, and get to know a bit more about each other.

In the morning we'll leave the city and head out to the country. But now it's time for a few hours sleep, for soon it will be light again.

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Map of world from Map of world on January 25, 2007 3:50 AM

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1 Comment

My favorite part of this image is the slight flare from the distant street light. It gives "reality" to the amazing blue that surrounds it.