"Red" - Results from Photo Assignment 6


The August Photo Assignment was "Red," and we have quite a gallery for you. Nineteen images submitted by The Digital Story members illustrate a bounty of creativity and craftsmanship. In many aspects, this may be our best gallery yet.

Due to the number of excellent submissions, I switched to a new format. The pictures were first loaded into Aperture. I then added the accompanying stories to the IPTC caption field and combined it with the EXIF data from the photograph. The final step was to create a web gallery in Aperture and upload it to the Digial Story server. You can view this month's photo assignment here.

The September assignment is "Circle." Start working on your contribution now. Details can be found on the Submissions page. Because of our new gallery format, you can now submit photo assignment pictures up to 600 pixels wide for horzontal shots, 400 pixels wide for verticals.

Good luck with your September assignment, and congratulations to all of the fine contributors for August. It's a great collection of images.

Photo by Matt Kuperus Heun

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Cool! nice picture. I also like the idea with the gallery to have a view on all other submussions. Great.
greetings from Austria. Arnold

I really like the idea of the gallery to show the photo assignment.
It is nice to have access to a larger number of photos to see the variety of interpretations of the theme. The photo gallery itself looked very clean and professional. (What else would we expect?)
Thank you for your efforts.

Very nice gallery. The variety of submissions is great. My only suggestion is that the captions could include URLs for contributors' photo web pages if they want to provide that info. It would be nice to see other pictures by all of these people.


Hello thank you for the powerful post. I bookmarked your site, but I can't seem to find a rss feed to follow automatically?