Grab Shot 82 - Peace on Earth


The tradition is that Denver was the first city to embrace outdoor lighting in a big way, and the City & County Building is a wonderful example of this," says Mark Castleman. "It's become a holiday tradition to come down to see the lights, and there is often a line of cars, buses and carriages passing by on Bannock St at night."

"I really wanted to get both the building and a feeling of the people coming down to see it, and that's why I did such a long exposure so that the cars (and carriages) going by would render as streaks of light. (The -0.5 ev compensation was because I am still getting used to the K10 and forgot to reset it.) I did a little straightening of the image in Aperture, but other than that I left it alone. The building stays lit until the 1st of January, and then it is also lit for the duration of the National Western Stock Show staring on the 6th."

Mark used a Pentax K 10D in shutter priority mode at 6 seconds. The ISO was set to 100.

Note from Derrick

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the Digital Story virtual camera club a happy holiday season. Knowing many of you has helped make my 2006 a wonderful year. Peace on Earth...

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