Have you ever wanted to photograph California Wine Country in the Fall? If so, save these dates on your calendar: October 16-18, 2010. The second Digital Story Photography Workshop will feature two half-day classroom training sessions at the Digital Story Headquarters in Santa Rosa, CA, plus two location shoots. Class size is limited to 8 people on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration fee for the workshop is $495, and it includes lots of goodies, such as delicious lunches and a very nice Lowepro camera bag.
You can put your name on the reserve list by sending me email with the Subject Line: "Fall TDS Workshop 2010," and in the body include your name, email address, phone number, and state where you live. Contact information can be found in the Member Participation section of the site.

I'll have more to report about TDS workshops soon, including some video from this week's event in Sonoma County. TDS members on are their way right now for the workshop this weekend. Stay tuned!
I would love to attend the Fall tds workshop in October 2010.
I live in Incline Village, NV (Lake Tahoe).
Address: 376 Second Tee Dr
Incline Village, NV 89451
phone: 775-831-4347