There are so many things about my Apple TV that I like. Why is it that I don't use it more?

I have a Flickr account, and my images look great on HDTV thanks to the little white box. It's fun surfing YouTube and discovering something unexpected. I've listened to music, watched TV shows, and have even rented movies using the Apple TV.
All stuff that I can do with my MacBook Pro or the iPad.
And I think that's the problem for me with Apple TV. It doesn't do that one unique thing better than my other devices. The iPhone fits in my pocket and makes phone calls. The iPad fits in my messenger bag and does... well, just about everything. And my MacBook Pro has the horsepower I need to run Aperture and Photoshop. I need all of those functions.
So my Apple TV just sits there most of the time looking adorable beneath the HDTV. Maybe on Sept. 7, Steve will give me a compelling reason to dust it off and bring it into my daily life. I sure hope so. I like the little guy.
I thought it was on September 1st. According to 'The Loop' anyway.