I've had a chance to work with Lightroom 4 public beta and publish an article about it for Macworld Magazine. That release has led to speculation about an upcoming Aperture 4 update. While all of this was going on, Corel rolled out their non-destructive pro photo management app, AfterShot Pro. In this week's podcast, I start with a basic review of Lightroom 4 public beta, then discuss some of the features I'd like to see in Aperture 4. I wrap up with a few thoughts about AfterShot Pro. It's great to be back!
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Hi Derrick,
Interesting podcast today. I hope you are correct on a release of Aperture 4 coming down the road. As I have mentioned in the past I go back and forth between Aperture and Lightroom as both programs have some good features. One feature I wish would become available within Aperture is the X-Rite Color Checker (Software). I find that most helpful with color profiles.
Thanks for bringing up Corel AfterShot Pro. Never even heard about this program until your latest podcast. Did go and download the trial version and plan to give it a test over the next couple of weeks. To my surprise the Mac version download was only about 50.3MB in size. I think the uncompresses was only about 181MB. So it is not a hog for space.
One feature you brought up about AfterShot Pro was doing a fast edit on an images without having to import all photos on the card. That feature is pretty cool.
Hey Stu, In general, AfterShot Pro is lean, mean and fast. I'm using it on my MacBook Air, and it's wonderful. As I mentioned, it won't replace Aperture for me, but I think it's going to be my "go to" app for those quick turnaround shots that I have been using Bridge/ACR for. Glad you're going to give it a try.
The interesting thing is that most of the new features you mentioned in Lightroom 4 beta are already available in Aperture! I suppose there are probably features in Lightroom that Aperture ought to "steal" too.
I guess the conclusion is that competition is good, and both applications will continue to improve.
AfterShot Pro is excellent and certainly competes favorably with the Big Boys like Aperture and Light Room. I was lucky enough to get the full program for $20. when Corel rolled out ASP a few weeks ago. Many plugins are now available, too.
One thing noone has mentioned. Corel acquired Bibble Labs. Aftershot pro is Bibble 5 with a Corel name on it and nothing more. So technically, it's version 5
Also, I seem to recall Bibble had import functionality, but it was hidden. One could define a batch function and use it for import.
When I'm looking at it next, I'll try and post a new comment with additional details.
Me again. Bibble/AftershoPro does have library/catalog management, but you're not forced to use it like you are with Lightroom/Aperture. So, you can import photos from wherever, organize, tag, keyword. Create catalogs etc. Check out the Bibble manuals that are still available. Gives you a much better idea of the full power.http://bibblelabs.com/products/bibble5/learn/webhelp/
I used Bibble for quite awhile, but have moved to LR. Still, Bibble is quite impressive, and with 5, not too far away from LR/Aperture.
Will be interesting to see what, if anything, Corel manages to do it, as Bibble itself was having a hard time getting features developed.
Any thoughts on how Apple will handle the new release of Aperture? Will it be a free upgrade to Aperture 3? Will it live along side Aperture 3 in the App Store? I'm curious how Apple will handle this.