The Nimble Photographer Wedding Kit


It's nimble photographer meets wedding photographer.

If I've learned nothing else about shooting weddings over the years, it's the importance of keeping track of your stuff. This was more difficult in the DSLR days because it wasn't practical to have all of your equipment on you. So I ended up locking a roller bag to a table near the DJ and worrying all night. But those days are over.

I now can carry my entire photo kit, including an iPad mini, in a Lowepro Pro Messenger 200 AW and have my equipment with me at all times. In large part, mirrorless cameras have made this possible. Here are the main ingredients for this recipe:



One of the reasons why I like the Pro Messenger is that it can accommodate my flash bracket in the front pocket. So when I'm not using it, I have it neatly stashed away. I keep the iPad in the zippered back pocket. I use it to review images during the event, share them with others, and post online if the client wishes me to do so.

During the shoot, I leave the bag open so I can access all of my gear quickly. It's like a portable workbench that rests on my hip. I use solid, non-bending dividers inside the Pro Messenger to keep the bag from collapsing (as messengers will do). This makes it much easier to remove and replace the cameras.

The 12-35mm zoom stays mounted on the E-M5 Mark II and the 75mm f/1.8 is on the E-M10. I don't like changing lenses unless I have to, so I just grab the body I need at the moment. If I do employ the flash bracket, it goes on the E-M5. I'll depend on existing light for the 75mm f/1.8 on the E-M10. I do keep the Neewer L-Plate Bracket Grip on the E-M10 to help protect the body and to give me a better hold. Plus I can change batteries without removing the grip.

I feel much better these days having all my gear with me at all times. And thanks to the nimbleosity of the mirrorless kits, I can do so without wearing myself down over the course of the event.

If you want to learn more about my wedding photography, visit I have a gallery there plus more details about my approach to wedding photography.

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