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Have you ever looked at a magnified image on your computer screen and felt disappointed about its appearance? You thought you had a sharp, crisp photograph, but it wasn't holding together at 100 percent as well you thought it should. This is the perfect scenario for making a print. Then you will know how good (or not so good) your picture really is.

High magnification computer monitors are very useful for photographers, but that's just one way to look at an image. And think about it: Is that the way you share your work with others? At 100 or 200 percent zoomed in on the eyelashes? If you make an 8.5"x11" or a 13"x19" print, and it looks good, then you can trust that you have a quality photograph.

The trick is, how do you build an easy printing workflow that is dependable? In this podcast I give you a few tips to put you on the path to successful printing and accurate judging of your images.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Vibrancy is the April 2009 Photo Assignment. Here in North America, Spring is on the way. But nature isn't the only source of vibrant colors. See what you can create for this assignment. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is April 30, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Five Printing Tips" You can download the podcast here (28 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

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The TIPA Awards, 2009 feature outstanding photography equipment. In this podcast I cover many of the winners and look at the trends we see in today's market. It's not just Canon and Nikon these days...

Monthly Photo Assignment

Vibrancy is the April 2009 Photo Assignment. Here in North America, Spring is on the way. But nature isn't the only source of vibrant colors. See what you can create for this assignment. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is April 30, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Award Winning Equipment" You can download the podcast here (30 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

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When comparing quality 16 GB cards, prices vary from $210 to $30. That's quite a spread. Which one is right for you?

In this podcast, I take a look at a variety of "pro" memory cards and try to determine which are the best value for my camera. Along the way, we consult the excellent CF/SD Performance Database run by Rob Galbraith. I think you'll enjoy this show.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Vibrancy is the April 2009 Photo Assignment. Here in North America, Spring is on the way. But nature isn't the only source of vibrant colors. See what you can create for this assignment. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is April 30, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "How Much Should You Pay for a Memory Card?" You can download the podcast here (28 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,


The perfect blend for a Photoshop discussion: an expert who oversees the Photoshop engineering team, and who is a photographer too. Meet Winston Hendrickson, Sr. Director, Engineering, Digital Media, for Adobe.

During this chat in a conference room at Adobe headquarters, Winston and I talk about what's happening under the hood for Bridge, ACR, and Photoshop. He explains lots of goodies such as, the difference between the Lightroom and Bridge "databases," the similarities between the Develop module in Lightroom and the sliders in ACR, improvements in Photoshop, and some great lesser-known features such as Camera Profiles. Terrific, informative interview.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Vibrancy is the April 2009 Photo Assignment. Here in North America, Spring is on the way. But nature isn't the only source of vibrant colors. See what you can create for this assignment. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is April 30, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Adobe Engineer Pops the Hood on CS4." You can download the podcast here (29 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

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How do you build a photography site that expresses your vision? I interview Chris Lang, who has become as well known for his beautiful web site designs as he has for his excellent photography. Chris uses SiteGrinder 2 to construct these stunning online properties, and in this interview, he shares his philosophies and a few of his secrets.

Editor's Note: Wedding graphic is a screenshot of Chris Lang Weddings created by Chris using Photoshop and SiteGrinder 2 (which is a sponsor of The Digital Story). Chris Lang is a professional photographer, designer and image maker based out of Wilmington NC. Among his various projects, Chris is a marketing photographer for the PGA's Travelers Championship in Connecticut.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Vibrancy is the April 2009 Photo Assignment. Here in North America, Spring is on the way. But nature isn't the only source of vibrant colors. See what you can create for this assignment. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is April 30, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "The Web Site That Expresses You." You can download the podcast here (26 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,


With the introduction of Faces in iPhoto '09, face detection and recognition technologies in computer software became a hot topic for discussion. But we've seen other applications, such as Google Picasa and Facebook embrace face recognition prior to iPhoto '09, and actually, this is a set of technologies on the move.

In this podcast, I discuss face detection both on the capture side of the fence with digital cameras, and on the software side. I cover how this technology is being used, and some things to keep in mind if you decide to take advantage of it for your work.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Sign of the Times is the March 2009 Photo Assignment. So many things are changing right now. This is a good opportunity for us to capture these signs of the times in our camera lens. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is March 31, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Face Recognition All Around You." You can download the podcast here (28 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,

Sunrise Over LA.jpg

Your smart phone is the camera you always have with you. And thanks to many innovative developers posting great software in the Apple App Store, the iPhone is becoming a compelling photographic device. Not only can you capture spontaneous images with it -- shots that you might otherwise miss because you didn't have a camera with you and ready to shoot -- but you can also process them on the spot, then send them to others.

In this podcast I discuss the power and versatility of this device. For example, the image here, "Sunrise Over LA," was taken with the iPhone through an airplane window as the sun was rising. I then creatively processed the shot in Photo Lab 1600 (an iPhone app), and emailed it when we landed.

The iPhone isn't going to replace any of the cameras you already have, but you should use it when they aren't available, or when you feel the creative juices flowing.

"Sunrise Over LA" by Derrick Story. Captured with a first generation iPhone and processed with Photo Lab 1600.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Sign of the Times is the March 2009 Photo Assignment. So many things are changing right now. This is a good opportunity for us to capture these signs of the times in our camera lens. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is March 31, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "iPhone as Your Grab Shot Camera." You can download the podcast here (26 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

iPhone App Reviews

Panorama 2.1 for the iPhone

FotoTimer Provides Self-Timer for the iPhone

HP iPrint App Makes Printing Easy from iPhone or iPod touch

True Photo App for iPhone: CameraBag

"Exposure" (Now "Darkslide") Puts Flickr on Your iPhone

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,


The PMA 09 Show in Las Vegas featured hundreds of vendors ranging from top manufacturers such as Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Olympus, Panasonic, Sony, and Kodak, to lesser known names that often provide interesting discoveries. I have four top picks from the show, and I talk about each of them in this podcast.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Sign of the Times is the March 2009 Photo Assignment. So many things are changing right now. This is a good opportunity for us to capture these signs of the times in our camera lens. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is March 31, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Top Picks from PMA 2009." You can download the podcast here (28 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,


iPhoto '09 incorporates some new technologies such as face detection, face recognition, and geotagging. What's interesting to me, is that Apple has found ways to make these additions truly useful. Combined with the previously introduced Events, you can now search and organize your iPhoto library by when a photo was taken (Events), where an image was captured (Places), and who was in the picture (Faces).

In this podcast, I explore the two latest additions to iPhoto - Faces and Places. These are more than mere technology gimmicks. Instead, they present new ways for us to look at our pictures.


Monthly Photo Assignment

Sign of the Times is the March 2009 Photo Assignment. So many things are changing right now. This is a good opportunity for us to capture these signs of the times in our camera lens. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is March 31, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Faces and Places in iPhoto '09." You can download the podcast here (28 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,


Geotagging is not the prettiest word, but it's a fun part of photography that many people still aren't enjoying. In this podcast, I introduce you to easy (and affordable) ways to get your feet on the ground, so you can add this new dimension to your pictures.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Street Shot is the February 2009 Photo Assignment. Time to hit the pavement and discover the interesting moments of life that happen all around you. You can read more about how to submit on our Submissions page. Deadline for entry is Feb. 28, 2009.

Listen to the Podcast

Now that I've piqued your curiosity, it's time to listen to today's audio show titled, "Introduction to Geotagging". You can download the podcast here (26 minutes). You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

See My Other Posts on Geotagging

Testing the Eye-Fi Explore Card at Home

Geotagging a Journey with photoGPS, iPhoto, and Flickr

iPhoto '09 as Your Geotagging Tool?

First Look at Jobo photoGPS Device and Software

Update to Geotagging Workflow, Including Jobo photoGPS

Finding a Reasonable Geotagging Workflow

The Digital Story podcasts are available for direct download from Apple iPhones. I've created a special mobile download page here. Just load the page in Safari, browse the podcast line-up, and click on the one you want to listen to.

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our new Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

SiteGrinder lets you take ownership of your websites. Effortlessly output pages right from Photoshop.

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Add Magic to Your Slideshows -- FotoMagico presentations are so amazing that your audience will be asking how you did it.

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