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This is The Digital Story Podcast #696, July 16, 2019. Today's theme is "5 Ways to Go Beyond the Postcard Shot." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Over the last couple weeks, I've been scouting locations for our Sonoma Coast Exploration Workshop. And I can't tell you how beautiful the landscape is here. In such environments, it's easy to just take pretty pictures. But our workshop crew is going to push beyond that. And in today's show, I'll share 5 of my favorite ways to do that.

5 Ways to Go Beyond the Postcard Shot

It's interesting. When I'm scouting locations, I have to move quickly and work efficiently. I typically use my Fujifilm XF10 for scouting because it fits in my pocket and renders beautiful big shots.

Quiet-Cove-1024-V2.jpg "Quiet Cove" - Fujifilm XF10, ISO 200, 1/500th at f/5.6. Photo by Derrick Story.

By the time the workshop begins, I have quite a collection of pretty pictures. They're great to have. But one of their unexpected purposes is to help me think about different ways to render those scenes. So they're helpful for not only location, but for technique.

I then share those techniques with the workshop crew before they go out to shoot. Yes, I want them to capture the postcard shots, but I don't want them to stop there. This is the opportunity to keep pushing creatively.

After examining my latest catalog of scouting images, here are 5 of the techniques I'm going to recommend.

5 Creative Techniques

  • Long Exposure Water - This one is a natural for the Sonoma Coast. Active tide combines with rocky coastline make for wonderful long exposure images. Tripod, ND filter, and cable release. Here's the bonus tip, however, use the mobile app Spectre to preview the image before setting up. You can handhold a Spectre shot on an iPhone, and if you like it, then set up and record the high resolution version with your camera.
  • Black & White - Mirrorless cameras, in particular, are including some dynamite B&W modes that are perfect for costal landscape. True, you can convert in post. But I find it far more stimulating to shoot in RAW+Jpeg using one of these dynamic filters.
  • High Dynamic Range - We have ample lab time during the workshop, so working true HDR is a great option. Don't use the HDR that your camera processes, bracket exposures and really work in on the computer. Knowing that you'll be able to handle extreme contrast allows you to really get creative in the field.
  • Multi Exposure - Many mirrorless cameras, DSLRs, and even 35mm film bodies have this capability. I think it makes more sense for digital because you can experiment with abandon. The results can be unique and quite compelling.
  • Art Filters - Seems like we never have time to fully explore the various art filters on our cameras. But there can be film emulation, dramatic tone, faded colors, sepia, and lots and lots more. If you shoot RAW+Jpeg, you can experiment all you want and still have the RAW file as a safety net.

Postcard images do have their place in our photo libraries. And some viewers prefer them to more artistic endeavors. But the opportunity to really hit it out of the park comes when we push the creative envelope. That's what we'll be doing next week. Hope I've inspired you to do the same.

New Nimble Podcast - Photographer Shelby Knick

In the podcast titled From Outside the Fence to In, Shelby talks about her first interview to apprentice with a pro photographer for motor sports. I thought you might enjoy this anecdote.

The entire conversation is terrific. I think you will enjoy what Shelby has to say. To ensure that you don't miss any of the podcasts, I recommend that you subscribe to The Nimble Photographer Podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, or where every you tune in.

f/1.4 vs f/1.8: Can You Actually Tell the Difference?

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite passages:

Given how much more it costs to buy an f/1.4 prime compared to an f/1.8, beginners in particular often ask if the upgrade is worth it. Build quality and optical quality being equal, is the difference in light gathering capability and depth of field noticeable? Can you really tell?

Photographer and YouTuber Pierre Lambert decided to do a blind "taste test" so to speak and find out if his viewers could actually tell the difference between photos shot at multiple locations at both f/1.4 and f/1.8, with a few shots taken at f/2.8, f/4 and f/5.6 thrown in just for fun.

From wide shots to street photos to tighter compositions with plenty of bokeh to analyze, he captured a total of 7 locations. Here's just one of those comparisons. Can you tell which is which?

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #695, July 9, 2019. Today's theme is "My Kickstarter Batting Average." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

There are a variety of projects to back on Kickstarter, but many of them seem particularly alluring to photographers. Exotic lenses, innovative cameras, and a cornucopia of creative accessories keep our fingers poised over the "Back this Project" button. But how many of these actually live up to their promise? Today, I'll share my personal batting average from over the last 5 years. I hope you enjoy the show.

My Kickstarter Batting Average


The latest project that I just couldn't resist was the Kamlan 50mm F1.1 MK2 Prime Lens for Mirrorless Cameras. Promoted as the new "Bokeh Beast," the project garnered 1,229 backers pledging $267,603 to bring this lens to life.

I've paid $199 for a MFT version that I'm hoping will be delivered by year's end, even though the Kamlan folks are hoping to start shipping in August. Which touches on the first thing that I've learned about Kickstarter projects: they rarely ship on time.

Most endeavors do a reasonably good job of keeping us informed along the way. As a result, I've learned much about the challenges of producing large quantities of complicated machined products. It's tough, and it always seems harder than the creators initially calculate.

That being said, I've received most of what I signed up for over the last five years. And I thought that you might be interested in my particular track record as you contemplate your own potential pledges.

5 Years of Kickstarter Projects


  • Total Projects Pledged: 15 - One of my early projects in 2013 was the "Hasselnuts: Hasselblad Camera + iPhone DigitalBack Kit!" I had a Hasselblad 500C at the time that I wasn't using very much, and I was intrigued by this iPhone digital back adapter for it. I pledged $219 for it, received it after many delays, and it worked - for my iPhone 4S. Unfortunately Apple kept changing the iPhone dimensions, rendering my cool Hassey back woefully outdated. You see, they didn't really plan to accommodate different phone dimensions. I ended up selling the 500C. I still have the Hasselnuts.
  • Total Projects Delivered to Date - 9 - Back in 2013, I was pretty excited about The Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner. One again, I was hooked on the idea of using my iPhone as a digitizer to add images directly to my iCloud account. For my $55, I did receive the film scanner. And I still have, though I don't use it much because of its poor image quality. If I would have really thought this one through, I probably could have predicted its performance. And I haven't revisited it with my iPhone X. Maybe I should.
  • Projects Promised that I'm Still Waiting for - 4 - Of the bunch, the one that I'm most excited about is LAB-BOX - The first multi-format daylight-loading film tank. Originally, this project was slated for delivery in Sept. 2017. They have finally begun shipping, and I may have mine by Sept. 2019. This device would allow me to process film in complete daylight. No darkroom required. If it works as promised, it will save me a ton of money in processing costs. I'll keep you posted.
  • Projects that did not Reach their Funding Goal - 2 - One that I was really pulling for was the KOBRA Flash Modifier System. But they only raised $37,296 of their $125,000 goal. So the project wasn't funded. They rebooted and tried again, and it looks like they met their goal the second time. But I lost interest and have no idea how it all turned out.
  • Potential Batting Average of .867 - If my outstanding projects deliver, I'm looking pretty good. And even if none of the outstanding projects never make it to my mailbox, I'm still batting a cool .600.

So, by now you're probably wondering what my favorite Kickstarter project has been. Of the ones delivered, I use the Lume Cube flash and video light the most. It's super handy. And I can take it underwater for snorkeling as well.

I still have high hopes for Lab-Box and the Kamlan 50mm F1.1 lens. We shall see.

New Nimble Podcast - Photographer Shelby Knick

In the podcast titled From Outside the Fence to In, Shelby talks about her first interview to apprentice with a pro photographer for motor sports. I thought you might enjoy this anecdote.

The entire conversation is terrific. I think you will enjoy what Shelby has to say. To ensure that you don't miss any of the podcasts, I recommend that you subscribe to The Nimble Photographer Podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, or whereever you tune in.

This Famed LA Ice Cream Truck Has Started Charging 'Influencers' Double

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite passages:

The CVT Soft Serve truck is an LA institution with a 15-year history, but its reputation comes with a downside. Owner Joe Nicchi is increasingly bombarded with requests for free ice cream in exchange for "exposure" on Instagram.

The owner reached his limit last week, when he tells VICE that an unnamed influencer asked him to work an event for 300 people... for exposure. That's when he announced a new policy through (ironically) the truck's Instagram account: anybody who asks for a $4 ice cream cone for free will pay $8.

"We truly don't care if you're an Influencer, or how many followers you have," reads the caption. "We will never give you a free ice cream in exchange for a post on your social media page." #InfluencersAreGross

Dynapak MKI Presets And Profiles Aim to Enhance M4/3 RAW Files

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite passages:

The Dynapak MKI profiles and presets pack has been designed to help Micro Four Thirds users get big, bold colors, and better dynamic range from the small sensors. The color profiles that come with the bundle have been created to work with Adobe's Camera Raw software and Adobe's Lightroom. The profiles help the software get closer to the light-data that has been captured by the camera's sensor, which in turn should allow for more dynamic range, and much deeper, more vibrant colors than you could get without the profiles in place.

The bundle also comes with 11 creative presets, a Dynapak MKI training video that will help get the most out of the profiles, and free updates forever. The Dynapak MKI Profiles and Presets bundle will work with Camera Raw, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC and Lightroom CC mobile so you can edit while you're on the road. The Bundle is available now for $60. Head on over to Dynapak MKI Product Page for more information.

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #694, July 2, 2019. Today's theme is "Are Your Cloud Storage Costs Out of Control?" I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

I had just completed a job in Adobe Lightroom when this notice flashed on my screen, "You've used your 20 GBs of storage. Would you like to upgrade your plan?" Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, with every other service that I'm currently using. Then it dawned on me: "How much am I spending for online storage?" The answer is the topic of today's TDS Photography Podcast.

Are Your Cloud Storage Costs Out of Control?


It's funny how I have thoughts in the back of my head that I don't act upon, until there's some sort of tipping point. In this case, that moment was when I ran out of space for my current Adobe Photography Plan that includes Lightroom, Photoshop, and 20 GBs of storage for $10 a month.

I had just been notified that my Dropbox plan would increase $20 a month upon renewal. And I had just ponied up for another year of Flickr Pro. Then there's Smugmug, Apple iCloud, and probably others that I can't even remember right now. How much am I spending on Cloud storage? Well, here's a breakdown.

Current Cloud Storage Costs per Year

  • $120 - Adobe Photography Plan - Includes 20 GBs of storage, plus access to Lightroom and Photoshop. Could upgrade ti 1 TB plan for $240 a year with a $60 discount for the first year.
  • $120 - Apple iCloud - Plan includes 2 TBs or storage for my photos and other files in the Apple ecosystem.
  • $120 - Dropbox - Just raised their rates and doubled our storage space. I will have another 2 TBs there if I renew.
  • $49 - Flickr Pro - Unlimited photo storage, ad free browsing, and access to all of Flickr's services.
  • $72 - Smugmug account - I'm not really sure of the storage limitations here. But to this point, I haven't received any additional notices.
  • $83 - Portfoliobox Pro - 1000 images and unlimited pages, plus custom domain and publishing platform.

If I renew all of these plans, my total will be $564 a year, breaking down to $47 a month. Now keep in mind, this doesn't include web site fees, domain name renewals, Internet costs, mobile phone subscriptions, etc.

Upcoming Nimble Interview - Filmmaker Joanna James

Joanna is a filmmaker and directed the movie, "A Fine Line." In her interview, she takes us behind the scenes of independent filmmaking. It's an interview you don't want to miss. Look for it later this week.

To ensure that you don't miss any of the podcasts, I recommend that you subscribe to The Nimble Photographer Podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, or where every you tune in.

How Mirrorless Cameras Are Changing the Game for Photojournalists

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite passages:

One of the best features of mirrorless cameras is their ability to shoot totally silently thanks to the lack of a mechanical mirror. That feature turned out to be a great boon to a photojournalist at the recent Democratic debate, allowing him to shoot in a position where others couldn't.

The Sony a9 is known for its electronic shutter with fast readout and no viewfinder blackout, which allows photographers to shoot in complete silence. For New York Times photographer Doug Mills, that became a great advantage at the recent Democratic debate.

It turns out that the sound of the DSLRs used by other photojournalists was picked up by the broadcast microphones, leading NBC to tell them to only shoot during audience applause. When Mills was brought to the side of the stage for his turn, he was told he couldn't shoot, but he quickly explained that his camera didn't make any noise, leading the NBC tech to remark that such cameras should be standard for all photojournalists.

If you've ever listened to any live political event, you've probably heard the constant clatter of DSLRs, so surely, an eventual migration to mirrorless cameras would be beneficial in that sense. Nonetheless, press companies are deeply invested in Canon and Nikon cameras and lenses, so such a change won't happen overnight.

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #693, June 25, 2019. Today's theme is "5 Things that I Like About the Panasonic Lumix DC-G95 (and 2 I don't)." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

When I first picked up the Panasonic Lumix DC-G95, I loved the way it felt in my right hand. The grip is substantial, the body light, and my lenses balanced nicely on the camera. And there's a lot beneath the surface to appreciate as well. Today, I share my 5 favorite features and a couple complaints. I hope you enjoy the show.

5 Things that I Like About the Panasonic Lumix DC-G95 (and 2 I don't)


Even though Olympus and Panasonic share the same Micro Four Thirds mount, they tend to be very different cameras. Olympus favors supremely flexible, if not at times confusing, operating systems housed in their classic design aesthetic. Panasonic, on the other hand, sports a more modern look and prides itself in both still photography and video. In that sense, the G95 is the archetypal Panasonic MFT camera.

It captures beautiful 20 MP stills one moment, then outstanding HD or 4K video the next. It's equipped to handle both with equal ease and sophistication. Here's a look at its basic specs.

Noteworthy Specifications

  • 20.3MP Digital Live MOS Sensor
  • UHD 4K 30p Video (not time limits), Pre-Installed V-LogL gamma profile (8-bit only)
  • 5-Axis Sensor Stabilization; Dual I.S. 2
  • 0.74x 2.36m-Dot OLED Viewfinder
  • 3.0" 1.24m-Dot Free-Angle Touchscreen
  • DFD AF System (49 areas)
  • ISO 25600 and 9 fps Continuous Shooting
  • Bluetooth LE and Wi-Fi Connectivity
  • 3 Control Dials
  • Built-in Flash
  • Dust and Splash Resistant
  • 1 SD Card Slot (UHS-II)

Five Things that I Do Like

All in all, very good specs. But after shooting with the camera for a month, here are five things that I really appreciated about it.

  • High Quality Image Files - I processed the RW2 files in Adobe Lightroom, and was quite pleased with their out of the camera color, tonality, and crispness. The photos had excellent character. And the camera did an excellent job of capturing quality pictures in a variety of lighting conditions.
  • L.Monochrome D - If you like rich B&W photography, you will love L.Monochrome D on the G95. It is gorgeous, and if you're capturing RAW+Jpegs, I doubt you'll ever look at the RAWs unless you need a color version of the shot.
  • Perfect Location for the Mic Port - One thing that has drove me crazy with my Olympus cameras was the positioning of the mic port. It was in direct conflict with the articulated screen. Panasonic has moved their port to the upper left of the camera. It's out of the way of the screen, and in perfect position for a hot shoe mounted microphone.
  • Excellent Creative Tools - The in-camera HDR is quite good, as is 4K Photo, multiple exposure, time lapse, panorama, focus stacking, and serious in-camera RAW processing. Plus, Panasonic introduces Live View Composite with this model. Lots of good stuff for the creative photographer.
  • USB Charging - And you get a separate charger as well!

Two Things that I Don't Like

As for the two things that I certainly did not like:

First, the G95 is only available with the bundled Lumix G Vario 12-60mm f/3.5-5.6 zoom. So, instead of being able to buy the body alone for around $900, I have to spend $1,200 and get a zoom that I really don't want.

Second, even though this camera is touted as a robust hybrid, it has a substantial crop of 1.25X for the 4K video. So even when you're shooting at the wide end of the bundled 12-60mm zoom, in real life, about the widest you can go is 30mm (12mm x 2 x 1.25).

The only reasonable answer for this is a lack of processing power. For a camera that includes so many video-friendly features (mic port, headphones port, V-Log, multiple formats, sound adjustments, etc.), have this sever of a crop on the sensor just doesn't add up.

Bottom Line

I truly enjoyed shooting with the Panasonic Lumix DC-G95. It's comfortable to hold and produces wonderful images. The camera is packed full of creative features that can keep the artistic photographer busy to no end.

But considering the $1,200 price tag, I'd be tempted to wait for the Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III before making a buying decision. Once that camera is released, we'll be able to make a better buying decision for the advanced enthusiast class of photographer.

New Nimble Photographer Podcast - Musician George Shaw

As a young man, George Shaw flew from city to city for two years, cassette recorder in hand, with a question he posed to each music professional he interviewed: "How can music, and in particular improvisation, best be taught?" After studying their answers and writing a dissertation on this subject, Dr. Shaw applied what he learned to teaching music and improvisation at the college level.

Here's an excerpt from the show.

You can listen to the entire interview by visiting the Nimble Photographer site. The show is also available on Apple Music, on Google Play Music, and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

You Can Moan About Adobe but the Company Is Making More Money Than Ever

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite passages:

You may frequently hear complaints about Lightroom and Photoshop -- too buggy, too slow, too bloated, too expensive -- but it doesn't seem to be putting a dent in Adobe's performance. In fact, it's quite the opposite as the company announced last week that it has achieved record revenues for the second fiscal quarter of this year.

As reported in a press release last week, Adobe generated $2.74 billion in the second quarter of 2019, a record for the company and a growth of 25 percent year-over-year. The success is attributed to "the explosion of creativity across the globe," the need for companies to deliver "engaging customer experiences," and their "strong ecosystem of partners."

Many photographers have objected to the shift to a subscription-based model and given the complaints, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Lightroom is falling from favor in face of competition from Capture One and a growing assortment of alternatives such as ACDSee, Luminar and ON1. Photoshop is also seeing strong challenges from Affinity Photo and Pixelmator Pro.

Despite the anecdotal grievances, Adobe appears to be doing better than ever.

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #692, June 18, 2019. Today's theme is "You are More Influential than You Realize." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Engaged photographers, such as ourselves, take certain things for granted. We're current on the latest gear offerings, we understand the value of preparing for and capturing important moments in our lives, and we know that technology can instantly evaporate a lifetime of images just as easily as it enabled us to capture them in the first place. But not everyone understands these things as we do, and my thoughts on sharing our knowledge is the topic of today's podcast.

You are More Influential than You Realize


Over the last four days, I've logged more than a thousand highway miles, attended two undergraduate graduation ceremonies, attended four celebration meals, two parties, and a music concert at Santa Barbara Bowl.

During all of those events, I had conversations with freshly minted college graduates, proud fathers, excited moms, and a variety of extended family members, friends, and strangers. Inevitably at some point in the conversation what I did for a living would surface, and the exchanges that followed fascinated me. And my primary takeaway was that we all could be doing more to help the casual photographers that we come in contact with. Here are five ways that I've observed.

  • Canon or Nikon? - An early question for me was, "Do you shoot Canon or Nikon?" When I responded that I typically shoot mirrorless cameras, the response was, "Oh, I've never heard of that brand." There are thousands upon thousands of people who don't know what mirrorless cameras are, and who could benefit from using them.
  • Encouragement - As I watched hundreds of people capturing moments with their iPhones, I was moved by how delighted they were when then got the shot they wanted. With my own friends and family, I decided that I should jump in, offer encouragement for their efforts. I would see, right on the spot them applying some of the techniques we discussed on their next round of captures.
  • Protection - I've started working the question: "Do you have cloud backup for your images?" into these conversations. In some instances, I could show them right on the spot how easy it was to enable this on their phones, and how important it was to do so.
  • Follow Up - I carry business cards for all sorts of reasons, but over the last few days, I've used them for people who might need help choosing their next camera or some other aspect of photography that they were wondering about.
  • We're All in this Together - Photography is one of the most satisfying hobbies in the world. Technology has certainly made aspects of it much easier. But I've discovered there is so much that many people don't understand, and that you and I can help them, which in turn nurtures our entire community.

HyperCube Automatically Backs up Your Smartphone Pics While Charging

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite excerpts:

Running out of storage space on our smartphones and tablets is a common problem. Now, there's now a tiny device designed to address that, and it does so while you charge your device. Called the HyperCube, it's the latest offering HYPER by Sanho Corporation dropped on Kickstarter following their highly successful, crowdfunded USB-C hubs.

The HyperCube has a micro SD slot, a male USB connector, and two female USB ports. It connects between the USB charger and your iPhone or Android smartphone or tablet. A free app allows you to automatically backup all the photos, media, and contacts onto a micro SD slot or USB drive as your device charges. You can disconnect anytime, as the backup resumes once you reconnect. No more scrambling to delete photos and videos from your phone and card storage when you run out of space!

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #691, June 11, 2019. Today's theme is "Thank You Surface Pro for iPadOS." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

If you want to get things done, buy a Surface Pro. Up until last Tuesday, that was the pragmatic opinion of those who wanted to ditch their laptops and use a tablet for work. Then Apple announced iPadOS, and suddenly nimble artists had a choice again. And in my opinion, they have Microsoft to thank. I'll explain more and delve into iPadOS on today's podcast.

Thank You Surface Pro for iPadOS


Here's a quote from a cnet article that sums up what many felt about the Surface Pro compared to the iPad: "OS: The beginning (and possibly the end) of the discussion - For many, the iPad Pro's mobile operating system makes it a complete nonstarter compared to the Surface Pro running on full Windows 10 Pro. Having Windows 10 means you can run full versions of traditional Win32 software and much more that Apple's iOS simply can't.

Other areas where iOS was falling short on an iPad included multitasking, flexible ports, external drive connectivity, and peripherals.

I had tried many times to work remotely with my iPad, only to finally give in and buy an 11" MacBook Air instead. But the scales are beginning to even out with the pending release of iPadOS. And here are five reasons why.

  • Slide Over and Split View - Slide Over and Split View have made working with multiple apps on iPad effortless. Now they can take your workflows to another level by letting you work exactly how you want in even more intuitive ways.
  • Text Editing - iPadOS makes it easier and faster to select and edit text using just your fingers. There are new editing gestures, cursor navigation, multi selection, and intelligent text selection (select a word with a double tap. A sentence with three taps. Or a whole paragraph with four taps).
  • Files - The Files app lets you access and manage your files however you want, all in one convenient place. And iPadOS gives you powerful new ways to view, work on, and share files. Get a more detailed view of your files. And more controls to do what you want with them.
  • External Drives - Connect an external hard drive, SD card reader, and, yes, even a USB drive.
  • Desktop Class Browsing - Enjoy the desktop version of websites on your iPad so you can use web apps like Google Docs, Squarespace, and WordPress. With the Download Manager, you can see your active and recent downloads in Safari and access them easily from the new Downloads folder in Files.
  • Redesigned Photo Management and Editing - The all-new Photos tab lets you browse your photo library with different levels of curation, so it's easy to find, relive, and share your photos and videos. Removes similar shots and clutter Duplicate photos, screenshots, whiteboard photos, documents, and receipts are identified and hidden, so you see only your best shots.
    Enhance control - Enhance now lets you control the intensity of your automatic adjustments. As you increase or decrease Enhance, you'll see other adjustments - including Exposure, Brilliance, Highlights, Shadows, Contrast, Brightness, Black Point, Saturation, and Vibrance - intelligently change with it.
    Nondestructive Video editing support - Nearly everything you can do with a photo you can now do with a video. Adjustments, filters, and crop support video editing, so you can rotate, increase exposure, or even apply filters to your videos. Video editing supports all video formats captured on iPad, including video in 4K at 60 fps and slo-mo in 1080p at 240 fps.
    New Editing Tools - Such as Sharpen, Definition, Noise Reduction, and Vignette combined with pinch-to-zoom support so you can get a better look at the specific areas you're editing.
    Image Capture API - The Image Capture API allows developers to leverage the Camera Connection Kit to import photos directly into their apps.

Thank you Microsoft for creating the powerful Surface Pro. Even though I don't want to switch to Windows, I appreciate the work you've done and the pressure you put on Apple to finally create an operating system worthy of the iPad hardware.

Interview with Rick Sammon about "The Oregon Coast Photo Roadtrip"

I just finished reading Rick's latest book, The Oregon Coast Photo Road Trip: How To Eat, Stay, Play, and Shoot Like a Pro, and I wanted to chat with him about traveling and working with his wife, iPhone and mirrorless photography, and how to get the most pleasure from our photo road trips. Here's what he had to say.

Microsoft's 'Raw Image Extension' Lets You View Raw Previews in Windows 10

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite excerpts:

If you're running the latest version of Windows 10 as a photographer, make sure you install Microsoft's Raw Image Extension. It adds native viewing support for the major raw file formats used by various camera brands.

Windows 10 doesn't have raw previewing built in by default, so while you can work with raw files in specialized software such as Adobe Lightroom, previews won't show up for you in Windows File Explorer or the Photos app right out of the box.

If you're running the latest version of Windows 10 (the May 2019 Update, version number 1903 at the time of this writing), you can install the Raw Image Extension to add raw support.

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #690, June 4, 2019. Today's theme is "Adventures of a Non-iPhone Photographer." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

My sister lives in McKinney, Texas. And with Summer approaching, we wanted to go out and visit her before it got too hot. So we caught a flight to Dallas Love to meet her and her husband on a warm, humid afternoon. I packed the Fujifilm XF10 and an Olympus OM-2S Program that I was testing for TheFilmCameraShop. And the interesting, sometimes funny adventures that I had with those two non-iPhone cameras are the topic of today's show.

Adventures of a Non-iPhone Photographer

People are so used to seeing photography with a smartphone, that they're not quite sure how to react when you pull out anything else. Here are three recent examples from Northern Texas.


Bobby's Blue Harley

My first encounter was with Bobby at the Tupps Brewery in McKinney. We were standing outside at a taco truck when Bobby came riding in on a beautiful blue Harley.

He was wearing Day of the Dead cowboy boots and had an excellent ZZ Top styled beard. I really wanted his portrait before he got off his bike. So I approached him with the Olympus 2S in hand. I tell the story from there in the podcast.

Group Shot with the XF10 at Sugarbacon

From Tupps, we headed over to Sugarbacon Proper Kitchen for dinner. I had heard that the pork chop there was out of this world. I started with a flight of local whiskeys. They were all excellent, but I really enjoyed the Iron Root whiskey out of Denison, Texas.

I wanted to get a group shot of the four of us before the food came. In restaurants, I like the group shots before the table gets too messy.

The lighting was fairly dim in Sugarbacon, so I opted for the XF10, which has a super intelligent built-in flash and a good low-light sensor. I pulled it out of my backpack, set it up, and handed it to our waitperson when she delivered the drinks.

She was more than happy to take our picture, but I could tell that she was a bit thrown-off with the camera that wasn't a smartphone. I tell the rest of the story on the show.

Shutter Challenge on Louisiana Street

While we were waiting for our food in Sugarbacon, I was screwing around with the Olympus taking long exposure shots of our drinks. The whiskey in the glasses looked really good combined with the Texas vibe of the restaurant.

I still had the Olympus out when we departed out to a mild thunderstorm that had just rolled into town. There was still light in the sky, and the conditions were good for some late day photography.

We headed down Louisiana Street. Dalene and Theresa ducked into a shop from some exploring, while Jeff and I stayed outside to take pictures.

I lined up a pretty good shot of the street with the McKinney tower in the background. The viewfinder readout on the Olympus read 1/30th of a second, so I still had plenty of light to shoot wide open at f/2.

When I pressed the shutter button, however, the camera recorded a very long exposure - or at least so I thought. I explain what really happened on the show.

Attract More Attention to Your Online Gallery with a Blog

Yes, our pictures can tell a 1,000 words, but a few additional sentences don't hurt either. And with your Portfoliobox site, you can easily add a blog to enhance your visual stories. Here's how.

First, click on New Page that is located at the very top of your admin panel on the right side of your screen. Then, select Blog on the given options in the second panel. Enter a name for your blog then you can start creating and editing your first entry.

Present your best self online and on your phone with a Portfoliobox site. To create your own Portfoliobox site, click on the tile or use this link to get started. If you upgrade to a Pro site, you'll save 20 percent off the $83 annual price.

Being a Photographer in Your 30s

You can read the entire article here. Here are some of my favorite excerpts:

When I was in my 20s, I could go out and get blind drunk, start work 6 hours later and pull a 48 hour editing marathon to meet a deadline and carry on the following day with few consequences. I remember people regularly telling me that once you hit 30 you wont be able to work like that anymore. I laughed it off and carried on. Now that I am in my 30s, I can't drink and I certainly can't work for 48 hours with 6 hours sleep.

I take weekends off like a normal person now and I often don't work in the evenings (although I am writing this at 8:30pm). I assume things will only get worst from this point on and that my caffeine intake will increase proportionately.

Now I am in my 30s I have just about finished procuring the gear that I need in order to do most jobs without having to rent every time. But this was after 10 years of hard graft. I now want to enjoy my photography money in other areas of my life.

After a good decade of photography and 30 years of being about generally making an abundance of mistakes, by your 30s you probably have a clearer idea as to where you are going. But having that bit of gray hair and a few more years in the industry means I have the confidence to say no to jobs that are not for me and have had enough time to get to the jobs I like.

Now that I know that I can't work as hard as I did in my 20s and that I have a lot more confidence and greater understanding of direction, I plan to really focus on what I want to be doing from the age of 40 - 50 and put in the time now to secure my place in the industry for later. Then hopefully carry on working as long as my body and eyes allow me to.

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #689, May 28, 2019. Today's theme is "Gettin' Ready for Summer." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

The fast approaching Summer season means more for photographers than just swapping our wardrobe in the closet. Our gear changes as well. And some of the items that I suggest might surprise you, even more than Uncle Bob's flamboyant Hawaiian shirt. So break out the sunblock and don your shades - it's time to get ready for long days and warm nights.

Gettin' Ready for Summer

What does Summer mean for me? Longer days, impossible mid-day lighting, more bike rides, travel, hiking, and outdoor events. Here are five items that you should get ready for this most active of all seasons.


  • Polarizers and ND Filters - Not only do we have to tone down reflections and deepen our blue skies, but there are times when I want to shoot at a wider aperture in bright lighting. These filters are a must-pack this time of year.
  • Fill Flash - I bet this one surprised you. But whether it's a backyard birthday party, graduation ceremony, or afternoon wedding reception, you're going to want a fill flash for those outdoor portraits. See my To Fill Flash or Not; That is the Question for more details. Also, my current favorite nimble fill flash is the Metz mecablitz 26 AF-2 Flash $129 for Sony, Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Olympus, Panasonic, Leica, and Pentax.
  • Collapsable Diffusers and Reflectors - I had to use a diffuser the other day for a 1pm portrait assignment outside, and there's now way I could have pulled it off as quickly or beautifully without it. It's our best option to tame the sun when there's no shade to be found.
  • A Pocketable All-Weather Camera - I have the new Olympus Tough TG-6 camera on order for this travel season. There's now way I'm packing my PEN-F in my board shorts. A quality, tough camera is ready when you are, regardless of the environment.
  • Shades, Hat, Sunblock, and Water - You have to protect yourself and be comfortable if want those creative juices to flow. Find yourself a water bottle that works with your kit and keep it filled. Make sure sunblock is in your bag at all times. And keep that head protected. Take care of your body and the wonderful images will follow.

If you have additional tips, please share them on our Facebook page where I'll post the podcast announcement.

Show Off Your Gallery on Your Smartphone

Most of us spend more time on our smartphones than we do on our computers. So it only makes sense to have your Portfoliobox gallery just a tap away.

iPhone users can accomplish this by visiting their Portfoliobox site in the Safari browser. Then tap on the Share icon at the bottom of the interface. Choose "Add to Home Screen" in the options presented. Now your gallery will have its own "tap and launch" position on your iPhone's home screen.

Android users have essentially the same process. Launch Google Chrome browser app. (Just tap on the Google Chrome icon on your home screen or app drawer.) Go to the website you want to save. Enter the website in the search/text bar and press "Enter." Tap on the Menu button. Tap "Add to Home Screen.

Portfoliobox sites are designed to look great on your smartphones. Take a look, and I think you'll like what you see.

Present your best self online and on your phone with a Portfoliobox site. To create your own Portfoliobox site, click on the tile or use this link to get started. If you upgrade to a Pro site, you'll save 20 percent off the $83 annual price.

160 Camera-friendly Canadian airport cuts holes in perimeter fence for aviation photographers

You can read the entire article here.

Qu�bec City Jean Lesage International Airport, often shortened to Jean Lesage International Airport, has made camera holes in a range of locations around its perimeter fence to allow photographers an unhindered view of planes taking off, landing and moving along its runways and taxi areas.

The airport has propelled itself to the number one spot for aviation photographers with the project. Metal frames surround the holes to prevent wire scratching lenses and accompanying signs to clarify the area is reserved for photographers.

The airport got together with local plane-spotting group YQB Aviation to identify the best angles for photographers and then created a total of 10 sites all around the airport that provide views of exactly what photographers want to shoot, seen in the image below.

Do You Have a Film Camera that Needs a Good Home?

Over the last year, I've received donations from TDS members who have film cameras that need a good home. What I do is inspect the items, repair and clean as I can, then list them in TheFilmCameraShop where I can find a good home for them. If you're interested in donating, please use the Contact Form on TheNimblePhotographer site. And thanks for you consideration!

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #688, May 21, 2019. Today's theme is "5 Things that We Can Learn from Warhol's Photography." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Last week I spent an afternoon with Andy Warhol at SF MOMA. As I looked at his paintings and photographs, I was intrigued at how his work could help my own photography. After studying my images from the day, and thinking about his, I came up with these 5 tips to infuse more creativity into our work. I hope you enjoy the show.

5 Things that We Can Learn from Warhol's Photography

1024-MOMA-Warhol-XF10-web.jpg "Ethel Scull 36 Times" by Andy Warhol. SF MOMA.

My five tips for increasing creativity based on Andy Warhol's images.

  • Art is What You Can Get Away With - This Warhol saying applies wonderfully to photography. Don't limit your work. And especially now in the digital age when experimentation is so easy.
  • The Photograph Doesn't Need to Be the End Product - Some of my favorite Warhol paintings started out as Polaroid prints, but ended up as beautiful mixed-media images.
  • Repetition Can Be Interesting - At first a wall of Campbell's soup cans seems to be a single image repeated many times. But the slight variation pulls the viewer in for a closer look. In his work, "Ethel Scull 36 Times," Warhol created a vibrant, energetic series based on multiple poses of the same subject.
  • Be Bold with Color - The images themselves are interesting for sure. But when bold color is added to the frames, they become vibrant works of art.
  • Take an Instagram Approach to Your Portraits - Looking at a wall of tightly cropped, square portraits reminded me of some of my most popular Instagram images that had great presence and were easy to digest visually.

If you want to see the show for yourself, it's playing at SF MOMA. I'd be curious as to what your takeaways would be.

All about image quality, size and resolution

You can read the entire article here.

All images that are larger than 1920 pixels, in width or height, before upload will be resized to 1920 pixels during upload. To avoid quality loss, we recommend that you upload images that are 1920 pixels or smaller. Note that images that are smaller than 1920 pixels, will not be resized.

Dpi (dots per inch) only matters when it comes to printing or scanning. Monitors don't have dots but pixels, so dpi value has no effect on the quality of an image viewed on a screen or uploaded online.

Before uploading your images to your Portfoliobox site, make sure their color profile is sRGB. If you are using Photoshop go to File > Save for Web. This will make sure that the images will be optimized for web browsers.

Present your best self online with a Portfoliobox site. To create your own Portfoliobox site, click on the tile or use this link to get started. If you upgrade to a Pro site, you'll save 20 percent off the $83 annual price.

2019 Buying Guide: Best instant cameras

You can read the entire article here.

What is it we love so much about instant cameras? Is it the nostalgia-factor? Or the sensation of being able to hold/share a physical print? Maybe it's the excitement that comes from watching an image slowly appear before your eyes. Surely for some, the lo-fi image quality is refreshing in an increasingly high-resolution, digital world.

Favorite: The Fujifilm Instax Mini 70 strikes the perfect balance of price to features to make it our top overall pick - plus it makes use of the most affordable instant format. Available in six colors, the Mini 70 is among the most compact and lightweight instant cameras on the market, and also among the prettiest (in our opinion). The CR2 batteries it uses can be a little annoying to find, but battery life overall is great. And unlike rechargeable instants, the Mini 70 should still have some juice in it even if left on a shelf for several months.

But most importantly, it's really easy to use. Users simply select their shooting mode - normal, macro, selfie, landscape, self timer or high key - and the camera does the rest. And unlike some of its competitors, focus is motor-driven (three positions) and set by the camera when your mode is selected. Exposure is fully automatic, though there is a +2/3rd EV option (that's the high key mode). Overall, the Mini 70 does a good job balancing flash with ambient light thanks to a variable shutter.

TDS Workshops Update

Humboldt Redwoods Workshop Update

Our grand finale of the season will be on Sept. 18-20 in one of the most beautiful areas on the planet. Our headquarters will be in Fortuna, CA - an easy drive from the Eureka Airport only 25 minutes away.

We're located on the Eel River, and situated perfectly to explore the Redwoods just south of us. This will be an excellent event to cool off, slow down, and get some great images. Plus, you'll be able to spend some quality time with your fellow virtual camera club members.

We still have a couple openings on the reserve list. You can secure your seat by visiting, and place a fully refundable deposit for the event.

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #687, May 14, 2019. Today's theme is "The Physiology of Active Photography." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Most of us agree that photography as a hobby feeds our creative soul. But it can also be good for the body. A regular diet of planned photo shoots can have a positive impact on our physical well being as well. In today's podcast I'll share with you five of the health benefits that I've enjoyed since embracing the photo exercise plan. I hope you enjoy the show.

The Physiology of Active Photography


A common pushback that I hear from fellow enthusiasts is that they don't have enough time to pursue their hobby. If you find yourself citing lack of time to engage in activities that are good for you and will provide you with more physical energy and clearer thinking, then you might want to hit the pause button for a minute and re-evaluate your choices.

On average, I work 10 hours a day Monday through Thursday, and 4 hours on Saturday. The only way that I can maintain that schedule and remain productive is by incorporating excise into my week.

Opportunities include early morning before work, lunch breaks, afternoon breaks, and weekends. If you don't take regular breaks, then that's an issue unto itself. To be honest; it's not healthy to skip breaks, especially at lunch time.

Mixing photography into these activities supercharges the health benefits. The chance of capturing a new image that you can share on social is motivating. Actually taking a great picture is exhilarating. And having raw material to work with on your computer feeds creativity.

My recommendation is that you venture out for a walk or a bike ride with your camera at least 3 times a week. According to my math, you have 21 opportunities a week to do this: 7 early mornings, 7 lunch breaks, and 7 afternoon breaks/after work.

And if you embrace this, here are some of the health benefits to look forward to.

  • Sleeping Heart Rate Dip - Research shows that a measurable dip in heart rate during sleep is excellent for your cardiovascular health. Plus, you'll tend to feel more rested in the morning. In my case, burning an extra 225 calories from activity drives my heart rate down 7 beats per minute. On nights when I exercise, my sleeping heart rate is about 52 bpm. When I don't, it tends to by close to 60 or over.
  • Better Regularity - By adding water to my photo walks and bike rides has improved my bathroom breaks. I don't need to articulate how much better this makes one feel. You know what I'm talking about.
  • Stronger Legs - When I was a photographer/writer in the healthcare business, a common mantra was that a healthy 60 starts at 40. Our core strength and sturdy legs mean a higher quality of life as we age. If you want to be mobile later, you have to be active now.
  • Emotional Resilience - I have days like everyone else when the world is intent on knocking me down a peg. Staying at my desk and stewing about it does not produce a better result. Taking a break and exercising does. It is the ultimate reset button.
  • We are More than our Job - Exercising plus photography demonstrates to ourselves and our world that we are more than our job. We are creative, clear thinking, healthy individuals. And that is far more appealing than exhausted, downtrodden, and depressed.

About how many pictures do I take on my photo exercises? Generally 2-3 per 30 minute session. Not a ton, but they sure add up over time. And many of those shots are personal favorites.

How to create a start page for your website that attracts attention

You can read the entire article here.

There are different rules when it comes to designing a good start page. Rule of Thirds and Golden Ratio, to name a couple. Rule of Thirds is the easiest to understand and the simplest to apply. Simply take a screenshot of your start page above the fold, use this easy to use tool to apply a 3 x 3 grid on the screenshot. Instantly you will see if you need to rework your start page or not. A final suggestion, if you are going to rework your start page, pay attention to the change of your bounce rate in Google Analytics, this will help you understand if your new design is working or not.

Present your best self online with a Portfoliobox site. To create your own Portfoliobox site, click on the tile or use this link to get started. If you upgrade to a Pro site, you'll save 20 percent off the $83 annual price.

MFT Sensor and 11"x14" Paper - Nearly Perfect Fit

I heard from Drew at Red River Paper, and he forwarded a comment that he thought I would be interested in: Full size images from Micro Four Thirds sensors are almost a perfect fit on 11" x 14" paper. I did a little testing, and sure enough if he wasn't correct about that.

I then ask Drew about their inventory of 11" x 14" paper, and he said that they have a wide variety of surfaces. You may want to check it out.

TDS Workshops Update

Humboldt Redwoods Workshop Update

Our grand finale of the season will be on Sept. 18-20 in one of the most beautiful areas on the planet. Our headquarters will be in Fortuna, CA - an easy drive from the Eureka Airport only 25 minutes away.

We're located on the Eel River, and situated perfectly to explore the Redwoods just south of us. This will be an excellent event to cool off, slow down, and get some great images. Plus, you'll be able to spend some quality time with your fellow virtual camera club members.

We still have a couple openings on the reserve list. You can secure your seat by visiting, and place a fully refundable deposit for the event.

Updates and Such

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts!

B&H and Amazon tiles on www.thedigitalstory. If you click on them first, you're helping to support this podcast. And speaking of supporting this show, and big thanks to our Patreon Inner Circle members:

And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. And from those images, I choose the TDS Member Photo of the Day.

Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper - Keep up with the world of inkjet printing, and win free paper, by liking Red River Paper on Facebook.

Portfoliobox - Your PortfolioBox site is the best way to show off your best images.

The Nimbleosity Report

Do you want to keep up with the best content from The Digital Story and The Nimble Photographer? Sign up for The Nimbleosity Report, and receive highlights twice-a-month in a single page newsletter. Be a part of our community!

Want to Comment on this Post?

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.