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Upload to Flickr from iPhoto

iPhoto is a terrific tool for managing your pictures on your Mac. But iPhoto 09 also lets you manage Web albums for Flickr, Facebook, and MobileMe. This helps you stay organized online as well as on your computer.

In my latest article for Macworld Magazine, Control your online albums with iPhoto, I show you how easy this process is.

Don't keep those great images all to yourself. Share them with friends, family, and even the world!

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Olympus E-PL1 "Bounce Flash"?

Olympus E-PL1 Flash

Many of us were thrilled when Olympus added a popup flash to its latest PEN, the E-PL1, but after using it for a while, it has another feature that I hadn't heard discussed as much: You can angle the flash for bounce too.

The popup flash head is attached to an ingenious "arm" mechanism that raises it above the camera body. This helps control red eye and lowers shadows a bit. But what's really cool, is that this "arm" swivels at the base. So you can angle the mechanism back on a 90 degree angle so the flash is pointing directly upward. Yes, you can bounce the built-in flash.

I used this bounce technique when I had to take a quick shot for this week's podcast, Wireless Photography. Direct flash would have caused an unwanted reflection in the glass screen of the iPad. (I was already taking a picture of another camera flashing directly at me.)

For best results, increase your ISO to 400 or 800. This will extend the range of the flash when bouncing it off white surfaces.

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iPad and S90 Wireless Photography

No wires or card readers -- you take a picture, it magically appears on your computer or iPad, then you upload it online for the world to see. In this week's podcast I explain a totally wireless photography workflow using an Eye-Fi card and an iPad loaded with ShutterSnitch and Meta Editor. It's not only fun... it's downright useful.

You can use this workflow with your laptop or netbook too, provided you get the software in order. I've been using the iPad because it only weighs 1.5 pounds, and it has both WiFi and cellular connectivity.

Listen to the Podcast

You can also download the podcast here (32 minutes). Or better yet, subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. You can support this podcast by purchasing the TDS iPhone App for only $2.99 from the Apple App Store.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Torn is the July 2010 Photo Assignment. You can read more about how to submit on our Member Participation page. Deadline for entry is July 31, 2010.

The SizzlPix Pick of the Month for Photo Assignment 51 (Fire) is awarded to Dan Newsom for his non-literal interpretation of fire.

TDS Autumn 2010 Photography Workshop

The next TDS Photography Workshop will be Oct. 16-18, 2010. You can place your name on the reserve list now. Just drop me a line. We currently just have a couple spots open, so don't delay.

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Make Your Photos Sizzle with Color! -- SizzlPix is like High Definition TV for your photography.

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Blurb logo

If you want to play with page layout designs for your first photography book, you can download the free BookSmart software (Mac/Win) and experiment. It's powerful and easy to learn.

I've embedded a short 2-minute video on How to Get Started with BookSmart Software on our new "Blurb on The Digital Story" site. After just a couple minutes, you'll see how easy this process can be.

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One of the missing links in the iPad photography workflow has been the ability to add copyright and other IPTC data to your images before sending them along via the Internet. Now, thanks to a new app by Cyril Godefroy called Meta Editor, you can add tags, author name, copyright, captions, and even geodata to any image that resides on your iPad.

MetaEditor Click on image for larger size.

I've add this application to my existing iPad workflow that uses an Eye-Fi card and ShutterSnitch to wirelessly move the images from my Canon PowerShot S90 to the iPad. I will sometimes touch them up using Photogene. And if I'm going to share them online, I open the shots in Meta Editor to add my IPTC data.

In the screenshot above, you can see the Meta Editor interface and the information I added to the Roma Tomato shot. Then, in the screenshot below, you see the same data in the Information dialog box for Preview on the Mac. All the data traveled with the image.


And if you take a look at the Flickr version that was uploaded directly from the iPad, you'll see that "Tomato" was added as a Flickr tag too. Very nice!

Meta Editor is available in the App Store for $9.99. It still has a few rough edges that I'm sure will be smoothed out soon by the developer. But in the meantime, it does work well, and I haven't found anything else like it for the iPad.

I recommend Meta Editor to iPad toting photographers who need to add IPTC data to their images.

More iPad Articles

Eye-Fi Card, iPad, and ShutterSnitch for Wireless Transfer

iPad Camera Connection Kit

How to Create and Deliver Content for the iPad

Acme Made iPad Cases for Style and Protection

Will the iPad Squish my Photos?

The $2 iPad Stand

Bluetooth Keyboard and iPad - A Powerful Combination

Turn Your iPad into a Live Camera

Lowepro Classified 160 AW is Perfect Bag for iPad Toting Photographers

Coolest iPad Apps for Photogs? Keynote and CameraBag

"iPad for Photographers" - Digital Photography Podcast 219

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When I work with the iPad, I want to work fast. Transferring images from my Canon PowerShot S90, even with the very cool Camera Connection Kit, takes longer than I want for blogs and social networking posts. Fortunately now, using the Eye-Fi Pro X2 WiFi SD Card, and a nifty application on the iPad called ShutterSnitch, I can send images directly from my camera to the iPad in about 3 seconds.

ShutterSnitch on the iPad iPad image downloaded wirelessly from an Eye-Fi card using ShutterSnitch. Click for larger image.

I've been following this story since the initial release of ShutterSnitch, and have even exchanged emails with the developer. I'm just now writing about the application because I feel it's finally easy enough for most users to set up. Quite frankly, in the past it was too dificult. Now, as of version 1.1.6, all you have to do is this:

  • Set up your Eye-Fi Card - Make sure the wireless network you'll be using is registered with the card using Eye-Fi Center. Also make sure that "Public Hotspots" and "Relayed Transfer" is turned off.
  • Set up ShutterSnitch - Click on the Options button and choose "Set up Eye-Fi Access." You'll need your Eye-Fi user name and password.
  • Create a new Collection in ShutterSnitch - You have to be within a Collection to receive photos from the Eye-Fi card.
  • Take a picture - Within a few seconds ShutterSnitch will download it to the iPad.

Once the photo is on your iPad, you can send it via email, add star ratings to organize within the Collection, export to your Photos album, send up to Flickr, and more. The images sent via email were full size. Nice.

ShutterSnitch is available in the iTunes App Store for $8. And I'm happy to recommend it.

More iPad Articles

iPad Camera Connection Kit

How to Create and Deliver Content for the iPad

Acme Made iPad Cases for Style and Protection

Will the iPad Squish my Photos?

The $2 iPad Stand

Bluetooth Keyboard and iPad - A Powerful Combination

Turn Your iPad into a Live Camera

Lowepro Classified 160 AW is Perfect Bag for iPad Toting Photographers

Coolest iPad Apps for Photogs? Keynote and CameraBag

"iPad for Photographers" - Digital Photography Podcast 219

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Panasonic reminded us today that they're not ready to concede top honors for pro-toting compact cameras. With the release of the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5, they've provided tough competition to the Canon PowerShot S90.

Panasonic LX5

Let's take a look at a few of the specs:

Size: LX5 (110 x 65 x 25 mm) S90 (100 x 58 x 31 mm) -- Canon S90 is a bit more compact, but both cameras weigh-in around 175 g.

Image Sensor: LX5 (1/1.63" Type CCD - 11.3 MP) S90 (1/1.7" Type CCD - 10 MP) -- Again, a close call. The Panasonic sensor is a tad larger, but with more photosites crammed on there. So it may or may not perform better than the S90 in low light, given that all other variables are equal. My experience is that Canon does a better job with image noise than Panasonic. (Thanks Thomas for helping me with the math!)

Lens: LX5 (24-90mm - f/2.0 - 3.3) S90 (28-105mm f/2.0 - 4.9) -- Panasonic lens is a bit faster overall and is wider. Canon zoom has a bit more reach. Which is better will probably depend on your shooting style.

LCD: LX5 (3" 460K dots) S90 (3" 461K dots) -- A virtual tie.

Video: LX5 (up to 1280 x 720) S90 (up to 640x480) -- Panasonic gets this one.

Continuous Shooting: LX5 (2.5 fps for 3 frames) S90 (1 fps with not specified limit) -- Panasonic is better at capturing short bursts.

Auto Focus: LX5 (23 point) S90 (9 point) -- Panasonic has more focusing points.

Price: LX5 ($499 when released in Aug. 2010) S90 ($349 available now) -- The Canon is definitely more affordable right now.

The Panasonic LX5 has some other goodies that aren't available for the Canon S90, such as a hot shoe, accessory electronic viewfinder, and the ability to accommodate filters. On paper, the LX5 looks like a great camera that beats the Canon S90 in many categories. The bottom line will be image quality. We'll have to wait and see for that comparison.

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Olympus E-PL1 HD Movie Recording Rig

Imagine a complete HD recording rig -- LED light, external mic, and camera -- that weighs only 2.8 pounds? I started with an Olympus PEN E-PL1 micro four thirds camera, then added an Olympus SEMA-1 Mic Adapter for stereo audio recording. For lighting, I mounted a Litepanels LP Micro Compact LED Light Kit on a bracket to augment the ambient light and to balance facial tones. The entire rig was held together with a Stroboframe Quick Flip 350 Flash Bracket. This set up is so light that you can hold it with one hand, although I don't recommend that for recording.

You can watch this rig in action by checking out the movie trailer for Home Brew, a look at making beer at home with a very impressive stainless steel operation -- burners, pumps, fermentors, and more.

Super-light recording rig features an Olympus E-PL1, 14-150mm zoom, mic adapter with stereo mic taped to the bracket, and a Litepanels micro LED light for fill. Click on image for larger version.

Listen to the Podcast

You can also download the podcast here (30 minutes). Or better yet, subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. You can support this podcast by purchasing the TDS iPhone App for only $2.99 from the Apple App Store.

Monthly Photo Assignment

Torn is the July 2010 Photo Assignment. You can read more about how to submit on our Member Participation page. Deadline for entry is July 31, 2010.

The SizzlPix Pick of the Month for Photo Assignment 51 (Fire) is awarded to Dan Newsom for his non-literal interpretation of fire.

TDS Autumn 2010 Photography Workshop

The next TDS Photography Workshop will be Oct. 16-18, 2010. You can place your name on the reserve list now. Just drop me a line. We currently just have a couple spots open, so don't delay.

More Ways to Participate

Want to share photos and talk with other members in our virtual camera club? Check out our Flickr Public Group. It's a blast!

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Podcast Sponsors

Red River Paper -- Try the $7.99 Sample Kit.

Make Your Photos Sizzle with Color! -- SizzlPix is like High Definition TV for your photography.

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Blurb on The Digital Story

What's the best book-making tool for showing off your thoughts and images? The conclusion I've come to for our virtual camera club is Blurb. In my opinion, they rise above others for producing high quality print on demand books for photographers.

You can bookmark "Blurb on The Digital Story" or click on the bright blue Blurb logo in the Sponsors list (on every page of TDS) to see what's happening in the world of Blurb.

So, I started talking with them. The result of our discussions is Blurb on The Digital Story. This sponsored site provides you with weekly feature articles about books and bookmaking, incoming feed from the excellent Blurberati blog, ongoing Blurb Twitter conversations, and the crown jewel: Blurb Book Page of the Month.

Blurb Book Page of the Month

You know how much I like finding interesting avenues for you to share your work with others (especially if you get a little something extra in return). And now we have a new way to shine a light on your creativity. The Blurb Book Page of the Month will feature the most interesting book page designs from The Digital Story audience. Each month, a featured photographer will also receive a $75 Blurb certificate and a copy of How to Make a Gorgeous Photo Book. I have a copy myself, and it is informative and stunning. You can get all the details about participating in Blurb Book Page of the Month on the new Blurb on The Digital Story site. It's very easy. It doesn't cost you anything. And believe, it's very rewarding.

I've also updated the Member Participation page on TDS that explains all of the opportunities for sharing your work and communicating with us.

Blurb on The Digital Story is a sponsored site dedicated to using Blurb tools for telling your story through photographs and words.

When I travel, my motto is: make space, don't erase. At first this may sound insane to you. But as you plan your trips, try to calculate how much camera memory you'll need, then get your hands on enough of it to cover your estimated shooting. Why?

Because you always want to have your pictures live in two places. Many photographers upload their images to a laptop in the evening, then erase their cards in preparation for the next day. In that scenario, your images only live in one place, and that's on a computer hard drive. If you were to keep your photos on the memory card too, then you would be much better protected against mishap.

I also recommend printing your contact information on each memory card in case it is misplaced. Plus, if you leave your camera behind, the card that's in it will tell people how to find you.

Currently, I'm packing a variety of 16GB memory, including the Kingston Elite Pro 16 GB 133x CF Cards ($40), and the Sandisk 16GB Extreme CF card ($95).

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