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Nikon Zf, iPhone 15 Pro Max, Kingston Card Reader with USB-C adapter.

For years I have tried to bend smartphone software to my will. They do some things OK, like geotagging pictures. But they're painful at best when it comes to getting real work done. And by real work, I mean copying images from my camera to an image editor on the phone where I can edit and share them.

I've tested software created by Nikon, Fujifilm, OM System, Pentax, and others. Most of the time, I can get them to work, but in the end, I feel like it's easier to lug around my laptop and use a card reader. But I shouldn't have to.

The processing power in today's iPhone is ample for managing and editing pictures from mirrorless cameras. The screens are absolutely beautiful and large enough for basic tasks. They are cloud-connected devices, so our work is immediately backed up and shared to all of our computers. But where they really shine compared to full-sized laptops, is that they fit in our pockets.

So, with a mirrorless camera around my neck and an iPhone in my jacket, I should be conquering the world. Instead, I find myself wasting time trying to get the two devices to talk to each other with fiddly WiFi software.

Making a Better Connection

One thing that the European Union had right and Apple had wrong was using USB-C for all smartphones. As of iPhone 15, the Lightning connector was replaced by a standard USB-C port. Not only did this ensure that we always have a charging cable available, but many of the accessories that we use with laptops now work with our smartphones... including portable SD card readers.


Kingston USB-C card reader connected to an iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Combine this reliable hardware connection with universal software that's included in iOS, and you can say goodbye to frustrating WiFi transfers between cameras and mobile devices. Within iOS we have the Files app, which is rock solid. Additionally, Lightroom Mobile is very adept at managing and editing mirrorless camera pictures, as is Photos for iOS.

On the hardware side, a card reader is faster and more stable than fighting with wireless transfer. Plus, it's small. I stash mine in the little coin pocket in my Levi's jeans. Ditching wireless transfer and using a USB-C card reader allows me to leave the laptop behind and travel lightly with just my camera and the iPhone. And when I do get home, all of my pictures are waiting for me on the computer thanks to cloud connectivity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Pictures from a Mirrorless Camera to an iPhone

For my latest shoot, I used a Nikon Zf camera, iPhone 15 Pro Max smartphone, a Kingston 1 TB SD card, and a Kingston portable card reader.

I like to shoot RAW+Jpeg because I enjoy experimenting with film simulations that I've loaded into the Nikon. With this workflow, I can decide if I want to copy the Jpegs, RAWs, or both to my iPhone. Let's start with the most basic approach using the Files app.

The Files app is included in iOS. Unlike software designed by camera manufacturers who seem to have a limited understanding of the iPhone, Files is perfectly integrated into the device. Look for the icon with the blue file folder. Now, let's move some pictures.

  • Remove the SD card from the camera, put it in the card reader, and connect the reader to the iPhone.
  • Open the Files app on the iPhone and look for your SD card under Locations. In my case, it will read NIKON Z F.
  • Files-Nikon.jpg

    The SD card in the Apple Files app.

  • Tap on the SD card name to take you to the next screen. You will see one or more file folders there. Tap on the one that reads DCIM. Depending on how your camera sets up the file system, an additional folder may exist inside DCIM. Tap on it and your photos will be revealed.
  • Files-Pictures.jpg

    Both RAWs and Jpegs are displayed here. The Jpegs show the image thumbnails.

  • If you shoot RAW+Jpeg, you will see both versions of your pictures there. To choose the ones you want to copy to the iPhone, tap on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the screen. Then tap on Select.
  • Now, tap on the thumbnails of the pictures you want to copy to the device. They will be marked with a blue check.
  • Tap on the Share button in the lower-left corner of the screen. Choose Save Images.
  • The pictures are now copied to your camera roll on your iPhone and are accessible via Photos and other apps.
  • Swipe up to close the Files app, disconnect the reader from your phone, and return the SD card to your camera.

This process is fast. And the best part is, it works every time.


You'll notice that I have a large 1 TB card for the Nikon Zf. I like to keep all the pictures from an adventure on the card as an additional backup.

With WiFi transfer, this becomes untenable because it takes so long to read all of the files on the card. But with USB-C connectivity, it's nearly instantaneous. In terms of speed, there is no comparison between WiFi and USB-C.

Adding Lightroom Mobile to the Mix

Lightroom on the iPhone and iPad provides a powerful set of editing tools, and it plays nice with the other software. For example, from the Files app, as described above, you can send selected images directly to Lightroom on your mobile device via the Share button.


Direct import using Lightroom Mobile.

Or you can copy directly into Lightroom, bypassing the Files app altogether, by connecting the SD card and tapping on the blue import icon in the lower right corner of the Lightroom interface.

Lightroom will ask you if you want to add photos from the Device (iPhone), Files (app), or Connected camera/card. Choose Connected camera/card, select the pictures you want, then tap the blue Import button at the bottom of the screen. Bingo!

Once the pictures are in Lightroom, you have a powerful set of imaging tools to adjust them. If you haven't used the mobile version of Lightroom for a while, I think you'll be surprised at how elegantly it has evolved.

After editing, you can share the finished files with other apps on your mobile device, save them to the camera roll, or publish them on social media. They'll also be available when you get home on your computer via the Cloud Tab in the upper lefthand corner of the Lightroom interface. You can pick up right where you left off.

Additional Apps and Hacks

If you're not a Lightroom fan, an excellent alternative is RAW Power from Gentleman Coders. No subscription is required, it's a very affordable one-time purchase, has a powerful set of editing tools, and the developer does a great job of keeping it up to date with the latest camera releases.

Photomator for iOS is also very popular, and for good reason. Easy to use combined with powerful editing tools make this Lightroom alternative a winner.

And here's a fun little hack... Lightroom has a handy export function that enables you to copy files from your mobile device to a USB-C flash drive.

Tap on the Share button at the top of the Lightroom interface, tap Export As... from the popup menu, choose Save to Files, then navigate to the connected flash drive icon in Files, and tap on Save. Yes, you can use USB-C to copy pictures to a flash drive as well.

Wrapping Up

I've waited far too long for camera software that provides a reliable workflow for my iPhone. Now, I don't need it. With my pocket-sized card reader, I can work as fast with mobile devices as I do with a computer. And that means more time to focus on my pictures.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #949, May 28, 2024. Today's theme is "A Massive Lightroom Update Featuring Generative Remove." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

In terms of workflow, it's always nice to have the tools you need in one application instead of having to bounce around to different bits of software. With Lightroom 7.3, Adobe has taken a big step in that direction with the addition of Generative Remove. I'll explain how it works, plus some of the other goodies, in today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 949

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A Massive Lightroom Update Including Generative Remove

Cynthia-Wine-Tasting-Original.jpg Original image with too many distractions.

Cynthia-Wine-Tasting-AI.jpg Edited version using Lightroom's Generative Remove. Photo by Derrick Story.

I'll be talking about Version 7.3 of Adobe Lightroom. I've been using this version of the app, instead of Classic, because it has evolved enough for my needs, and it's a bit more modern.

The big news is that Firefly, Adobe's top-tier AI technology, comes to Lighroom. And its debut is Generative Remove.

The Content Aware Healing Brush is now called Remove. You can still use it as the old Content Aware Healing Brush, which is good for small objects, faster processing time, and up the road no spending of your credits. I will get into that later.

In Lightroom 7.3, you also have some additional options in the Remove panel. First, you'll see Generative AI with a checkbox and a Early Access label. Second, there is Object Aware with a checkbox.

There are also checkboxes for Show Overlay on Hover and Visualize Spots. I use Show Overlay on Hover when I want to delete a selection and do it again. It makes it easy to identify it.

So, the progression for removing objects from your photos could be something like this. If it's simple, then just use the Remove Brush without Generative AI. When you get into more complicated adjustments, especially large objects, then check the Generative AI box to turbo charge your Remove Brush.

For items that are irregular, such as a group of people, you probably want to enable Object Aware too. This can improve the masking and leave the right amount of information outside of your selection to give the application the data it needs for the fill.

When it works well, Lightroom will correctly identify the objects for removal and add the appropriate amount of feather to enable a seamless fix.

After the mask is created, you do have the ability to fine tune it with add or subtract. I found that I didn't have to do this often, but there are times when the software doesn't include an item that you want as part of the fix.

Once you give Lightroom the green light to generate the fix, it works fairly fast, depending on the processing power of your computer. On my M1 Macbook Pro, most fixes were about 15-20 seconds. Was even a bit faster on my M2 Mac mini.

Lightroom actually creates 3 variations of the correction, and displays the first one. I've found that it's usually the best. But you can click through all three versions using the Variations arrows.

You can also tell the app to regenerate an entirely new correction. My experience has been that subsequent fixes were not as good as the initial effort. It seems to get worse with every iteration.

During the Early Access period, you can play as much as you want with this feature. There are no limitations. This is the time to learn it and refine your skills with it.


Because once Adobe removes the Early Access button, you will be alloted credits, based on the plan you have, for Firefly based technologies.

Right now, when I go to my Creative Cloud account, I don't see any mention of credits. I have my $9.99 a month photography plan, 20 GBs of cloud storage, and the apps included in the plan.

So I'm guessing the credits aspect will come into play up the road. But the point is, that now, during Early Access, you can really learn Generative Remove and play as much as you want.

Up the road, the workflow will probably evolve into using Remove for the bulk of your work and small items, and saving Generative Remove for the bigger, more complicated challenges.

During this Early Access period, when Adobe is refining the Generative Remove tool, feedback on how it works is important. So, after you've worked on a picture, click the Feedback button, and let them know how it went.

If Firefly creates something totally random and not fit for your picture, then click on Report Variation, and let Adobe know what happened.

A Few Other Goodies to Mention

Lens Blur has improved and is no longer in Early Access. It's in the Edit panel, near the bottom and it works quite fast.

Once you click the Apply checkbox, you can set the Blur Amount, the type of Bokeh, and play with the Focus Range.

As part of this bargain, be sure to take a look at the Presets panel. Click on the icon on the right side that's above Edit. In Presets, click on the Premium tab and scroll down to Adaptive: Blur Background. Now you can get seven different looks just by clicking on Strong, Subtle, Circle, etc. You can see those changes in the Lens Blur panel, and tweak them to your tastes.

Lightroom 7.3 now has the Slideshow function. It's basic, but I find it helpful for reviewing an album of images, especially my pick set.

Go to View > Start Slideshow

One last little thing that I want to mention is that the File Names are now viewable on each thumbnail in Grid Mode. They are on the upper left side, and the File Extension is on the upper right.

If you decide you don't want to see the File Name or the File Extension in Grid Mode, you can turn them off independently in the View menu.

Adobe Lightroom 7.3 is quite impressive. For me, it has the tools I want without the extra cruft I don't.

Lessons Learned from Selling Photography at Art�Fairs

You can read the entire story on LiveView.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #948, May 21, 2024. Today's theme is "The Value of Photo Community - An Interview." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

You hear me talk a lot about our photography community, but what do the actual members think? This week I chat with Cynthia Whelan and Lawrence Lazare about their experiences with online workshops, the Inner Circle, and writing for Live View. I think you'll be very interested in what they have to say. All of this, ad more, on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

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The Value of Photo Community - An Interview


Here's the backgrounder for both Cynthia and Lawrence.

Cynthia A Whelan a.k.a., "Whelan on Walkabout"

"I have learned a lot listening to The Digitals Story podcasts, and now, being a member of the Inner Circle gives me a chance to have a conversation about my photography within a supportive community."

Travel Photography Stories and photos on Medium

My website and Blog - Whelan on Walkabout



Lawrence Lazare

Lawrence Lazare is a photographer and writer who is currently pursuing a BFA in Studio Art at the University of West Florida. He spent the first decade of his career in the music business as a promoter, booking agent, and artist manager. In 1995, he became part of the first wave to build the commercial internet. He spent 25 years as a product manager specializing in R&D and new product development for large media companies. During the last part of his career, he built AI-based search tools for photographers and filmmakers and holds two patents for image-based search and categorization.

In 2020, Lazare became legally blind after losing his central vision from Stargart's, a genetic retinal disease, forcing him into an early retirement. He decided to return to college to pursue a BFA in Studio Art, focusing on film photography. His photographs have been displayed in museums and galleries in Michigan, Florida, and New Orleans. He writes on the intersection of blindness and photography on

Lawrence has published an article on Live View titled, Building Your Artistic Practice Through Community that goes into more depth about this topic. It's worth a read.


And a big thanks to both Cynthia and Lawrence to taking time to talk with me on the show.

The Inner Circle Membership Drive - Spring 2024

I've been enjoying our Inner Circle experience so much this year, I just can't help thinking that you would too. But I know how that is... there are certain things we just never get around to doing.

So I thought I could help with that. And I think you're really going to like this. For the next two weeks, we're having the Inner Circle Membership Drive.

If you haven't joined us yet, all you have to do is click on this link to go to our Patreon page, scroll to Choose Your Membership, click on Pay Annually, then click on the Join button. The annual membership is $54 a year.

The extra incentive is, once I see that you've joined the Inner Circle for a year, I'll send you a coupon code that will allow you to sign up for free, your choice of the Infrared Workshop in June, or the Printing Workshop in August. That's a $145 value!

This promotion is for annual memberships only. One coupon code for one online workshop per paid membership.

Plus, you will still receive all of the Inner Circle benefits including access to our exclusive space on DerrickStoryOnline and discounts for future online and in-person workshops. And you're helping to support our online community.

If you're an existing Inner Circle Member, you can still benefit from the membership drive. All you have to do is switch from monthly payments to the annual payment of $54, and you will also receive a coupon code for either online workshop. If you've left the Inner Circle and want to rejoin us, the same offer applies.

The Inner Circle Membership Drive runs from May 7, 2024 through May 22, 2024. Join us today and experience one of our online workshops... for free.

ASMP Calls Out Adobe for Its 'Shocking Dismissal of Photography'

You can read the entire story on

The Series Every Photographer Should Be Watching

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Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #947, May 14, 2024. Today's theme is "3rd Party Lens Extravaganza." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

The floodgates have opened and we're now seeing a wave of 3rd party lenses washing ashore for Sony, Nikon, Fujifilm, and yes, even Canon. This week I'm going to share with you my current favorites for this swell of great optics for mirrorless cameras. All of this and more, on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

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3rd Party Lens Extravaganza


Here's a list of my current list of favorite 3rd party lenses:

  • Tamron developing 11-20mm F2.8 Di III-A RXD for Canon RF mount - Tamron has announced it's developing a version of its 11-20mm F2.8 Di III-A RXD fast wide-angle zoom lens for Canon RF-mount APS-C cameras. The 11-20mm F2.8, which is already available for Sony E-mount, will offer an 18-32mm equivalent range on Canon's 1.6x crop cameras. The company says the 11-20mm will be available before the end of 2024. No details of pricing have been given.
  • TTArtisan AF 56mm f/1.8 Lens (Sony E) - A lightweight prime ideal for portraiture, the AF 56mm f/1.8 Lens from TTArtisan is designed for use with APS-C Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras and provides a portrait-length full-frame equivalency of 84mm. Capturing images in low-light conditions is no issue with this lens's bright maximum f/1.8 aperture. A minimum focusing distance of 19.7" is available. Driving the autofocus is a stepping motor, which helps enable quiet and speedy performance. One extra-low dispersion (ED) element is incorporated to reduce color fringing and chromatic aberrations in order to achieve greater clarity and color accuracy. $158 B&H Photo. (There's also a version for Fujifilm coming.)
  • 7Artisans releases 50mm F1.4 Tilt lens - 7Artisans has released a new manual focus 50mm F1.4 Tilt lens, compatible with Sony and Fujifilm APS-C cameras, as well as Olympus and Panasonic Micro Four Thirds cameras. At the front of the lens is a numbered aperture ring, with the depth of field scale and distance scale focus ring sitting just behind. Users can rotate the lens a full 360-degrees and the tilt axis moves left to right. The company has yet to confirm how many degrees the lens can tilt on either side.
    Although photographers commonly use tilt lenses for architecture photography and to experiment with depth of field, 7Artisans claims the 50mm F1.4 offers enough clarity for portraiture, claiming distortion of only 1.9%.
    Available now on Amazon for $226.
  • Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 XF Lens (FUJIFILM X and Nikon Z) - A compact portrait-length prime lens designed for FUJIFILM X-mount and Nikon Z-Mount mirrorless cameras, the Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 XF Lens provides a full-frame equivalent of 85mm, making it ideal for portraiture. Its focal length paired with its bright f/1.7 maximum aperture provides excellent control over depth of field and allows reliable shooting in low-light conditions. The lens design includes four extra-low dispersion elements and three high refractive index elements to reduce optical aberrations and improve overall image quality. Additionally, the lens's lightweight design makes it an optimal choice for traveling. $139 B&H Photo
  • Sigma 50mm f/1.2 DG DN Art Lens (Sony E) - The lightest in its class and the brightest in Sigma's 50mm prime lineup, the 50mm f/1.2 DG DN Art Lens for Sony E-mount cameras is a well-designed lens for everyday use. Driven by Sigma's dual HLA (High-response Linear Actuator) motors, this lens delivers quiet and high-speed performance. Simultaneously, this focusing system allows for a more compact design, helping make this lens lighter than its counterparts. This classic focal length paired with an extremely wide f/1.2 maximum aperture allows users to effortlessly capture a variety of subject matter. Also, there are physical function buttons and switches that improve the lens's overall ease of use as well as its reliability in the field. To reduce ghosting and improve contrast, a super multilayer coating is used on the glass elements. $1,399 B&H Photo
  • Viltrox AF 16mm f/1.8 Lens (Nikon Z) - A large-aperture high-resolution prime, the Viltrox AF 16mm f/1.8 Z offers outstanding edge-to-edge sharpness with soft and natural bokeh. Engineered for photo and video applications, this robust and lightweight lens is equally adept for photographers and videographers alike. 4 ED (Extra-low Dispersion) and 3 aspherical elements combine to achieve outstanding sharpness, while also reducing sagital coma flare, which distorts the shapes of stars. The optical design also minimizes ghosting and flare when shooting starry skies and long exposure night scenes. Sophisticated LCD screen displays important shooting information including object distance, Fn icons, and aperture identification. $549 B&H Photo.

A little something tempting for everyone!

The Inner Circle Membership Drive - Spring 2024

I've been enjoying our Inner Circle experience so much this year, I just can't help thinking that you would too. But I know how that is... there are certain things we just never get around to doing.

So I thought I could help with that. And I think you're really going to like this. For the next two weeks, we're having the Inner Circle Membership Drive.

If you haven't joined us yet, all you have to do is click on this link to go to our Patreon page, scroll to Choose Your Membership, click on Pay Annually, then click on the Join button. The annual membership is $54 a year.

The extra incentive is, once I see that you've joined the Inner Circle for a year, I'll send you a coupon code that will allow you to sign up for free, your choice of the Infrared Workshop in June, or the Printing Workshop in August. That's a $145 value!

This promotion is for annual memberships only. One coupon code for one online workshop per paid membership.

Plus, you will still receive all of the Inner Circle benefits including access to our exclusive space on DerrickStoryOnline and discounts for future online and in-person workshops. And you're helping to support our online community.

If you're an existing Inner Circle Member, you can still benefit from the membership drive. All you have to do is switch from monthly payments to the annual payment of $54, and you will also receive a coupon code for either online workshop. If you've left the Inner Circle and want to rejoin us, the same offer applies.

The Inner Circle Membership Drive runs from May 7, 2024 through May 22, 2024. Join us today and experience one of our online workshops... for free.

Apple Says Destructive iPad Ad 'Missed the Mark'

You can read the entire story on

It looks like Panasonic's "completely new kind" of camera is coming next week

You can read the entire article on

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #946, May 7, 2024. Today's theme is "The Inspiration Battle - 5 Tips to Overcome the Blahs." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

An Inner Circle member recently posted that he's been uninspired lately. Others chimed in that it happens to us all at times. And when it does, what can be done? This week I share 5 tips to overcome photographer's block. Plus, a very tempting offer for our podcast audience, and a peek at Peakto Search. All of this, and more, on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 946

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The Inspiration Battle - 5 Tips to Overcome the Blahs


Any artistic pursuit is vulnerable to creative block, and photography is no exception. Here are five tips to help get things moving again.

  • Go Back in Time - Every photographer has a stash of old gear that's impossible to part with. But instead of letting it languish in the back of the closet, pull out that camera from 2014, charge its batteries, and wander outside. Challenge yourself to make a great shot with a decade-old camera.
  • Shoot a Roll of Film - Nothing will help you appreciate your current mirrorless like revisiting an analog camera from your past. In stead of challenging yourself to capture a great shot, like in tip #1, see if you can even get a good shot out of a roll of 36. This process will activate parts of your brain that haven't been used in years.
  • Break Out a Vintage Lens - There's something about looking at the world through a 40-year-old optic that summons our inner artist. One of my favorites for this exercise is the Nikkor 105mm Ai-S F2.5 lens that Steve McCurry made famous with his shot of the Afghan Girl on a Nikon FM2. Every time I put that lens on a modern Nikon, I feel obligated to do it justice.
  • Take a Trip to Bizarro World - Just like the Seinfeld episode where Elaine's new friend is the exact opposite of Jerry (Season 8, Episode 3), go out and take pictures of a subject that you never tackle. If you're a landscape guy, go to the city; if you love macro, challenge yourself with panoramas; only photograph sill lives, then set up a portrait session. By becoming a Bizarro Photographer, you will shake out the cobwebs and see the world with fresh eyes.
  • Find a Photo Buddy - We tend to work so much alone that we miss opportunities and techniques right under our noses. Hanging out for a day with a photo buddy will help you see the world through someone else's eyes. Be sure to compare pictures at the end of the day and talk about why each of you shot what you did.

I promise you, if you embrace one or more of these challenges, you will begin to feel the rise of inspiration as you climb out of your creative rut.

The Inner Circle Membership Drive - Spring 2024

I've been enjoying our Inner Circle experience so much this year, I just can't help thinking that you would too. But I know how that is... there are certain things we just never get around to doing.

So I thought I could help with that. And I think you're really going to like this. For the next two weeks, we're having the Inner Circle Membership Drive.

If you haven't joined us yet, all you have to do is click on this link to go to our Patreon page, scroll to Choose Your Membership, click on Pay Annually, then click on the Join button. The annual membership is $54 a year.

The extra incentive is, once I see that you've joined the Inner Circle for a year, I'll send you a coupon code that will allow you to sign up for free, your choice of the Infrared Workshop in June, or the Printing Workshop in August. That's a $145 value!

This promotion is for annual memberships only. One coupon code for one online workshop per paid membership.

Plus, you will still receive all of the Inner Circle benefits including access to our exclusive space on DerrickStoryOnline and discounts for future online and in-person workshops. And you're helping to support our online community.

If you're an existing Inner Circle Member, you can still benefit from the membership drive. All you have to do is switch from monthly payments to the annual payment of $54, and you will also receive a coupon code for either online workshop. If you've left the Inner Circle and want to rejoin us, the same offer applies.

The Inner Circle Membership Drive runs from May 7, 2024 through May 22, 2024. Join us today and experience one of our online workshops.

Peakto Search for Capture One Pro and Lightroom

Utilizing AI, Peakto Search allows users to find any photos OR videos, based on a simple description or image. Capable of searching across multiple Catalogs, Peakto Search is always at hand in the menu bar and operates even when the app is closed. It instantly reveals results and enables users to open photos and videos directly in Capture One Pro or Lightroom.

Peakto Search functions as an intelligent search engine. With just a simple description or image-based query, the plugin retrieves corresponding photos or videos. No annotations or knowledge of storage locations are required; Peakto Search's advanced AI swiftly locates content.

Capture One Pro confines the ability to search for content to a Catalog or Session. Peakto Search extends this limit by offering a search that can be conducted across multiple Catalogs and Sessions simultaneously. Search results appear in real-time through previews of photos and videos. The video player preview available in the plugin highlights the segments in the video that exactly match the query or reference image.

Peakto Search stands out as a uniquely designed plugin. Nestled in the Mac menu bar, it remains effortlessly accessible, even when Capture One or Lightroom is closed, ensuring it serves as a reliable guide through your content. Seamlessly integrated with the editing software, it facilitates the opening of multiple photos and videos in Capture One Pro directly from the search results.

Peakto Search is now available for purchase on the CYME website, complete with a complimentary 7-day trial period exclusive to subscribers:

  • 2-year subscription for $89 (equivalent to $5.41 per month)
  • Annual subscription for $65
  • Monthly subscription for $9 per month
  • Unlimited license for $129

Optimized for macOS Ventura, Peakto Search requires macOS 12 (Monterrey) or later and can fully leverage Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3 chips. Peakto Search is compatible with Capture One Pro from version 20.

Firmware update roundup: Fujifilm, Nikon, Sony and Panasonic

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Infrared Photography Workshop - Online - June 2024

Do you feel like the world is looking like "the same old same old" through your camera's viewfinder? Have you felt your enthusiasm for photography waning? Then it's time for you to consider exploring infrared imaging.

Suddenly walks you've taken a hundred times look completely different as you see them through your camera. Old familiar subjects burst to life with new vibrancy. IR photography can energize your creativity, not only for this medium, but for all of your artistry.

Beginning June 5, 2024, join us for this 4-week exploration into the world of IR. During this event, you will learn:

  • The best IR filter to start with.
  • How to test your existing digital camera for infrared sensitivity.
  • Learn about the different types of IR conversions for digital cameras.
  • See how different IR filters produce wildly different results.
  • Learn how to fine-tune your images with software you already own.
  • Discover advanced techniques to take your images to the next level.
  • And much, much more.

This online workshop (Zoom) begins on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, with both morning (9am PST) and evening sessions (4pm PST) available. We will convene weekly thereafter via Zoom for more training sessions (AM and PM), Q&A, and to compare notes. You can attend morning, evening, or both sessions. It's essentially the same content, just different participants.

It is so much fun.

Plus, you will have unlimited access to our online workshop community, DerrickStoryOnline. Here, you can mingle with other workshop participants (past and present), share images for comment, exchange tips and techniques, and enjoy the fellowship of other creatives who share your passion for image-making.

You can reserve your spot for the Infrared Online Workshop here.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #945, April 30, 2024. Today's theme is "It's the Shooting Experience, Not Image Quality." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Why do we choose the cameras that we do? Is it sensor size, megapixels, lens catalog, high-tech features, or something else altogether? I recently polled our Inner Circle Members about the brands they use and stick with. I found their responses illuminating, and thought that you might too. All of that, and more, on today's TDS Photography Podcast I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 945

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It's the Shooting Experience, Not Image Quality

Derrick-Verde-Canyon-web.jpeg Derrick Story riding the Verde Canyon Railroad. Photo by Steve Csoto.

A recent conversation on the Inner Circle site centered around brand loyalty and what our photographers favor for cameras. I thought the comments were terrific, and I was enjoying each of them when I came across this thought by Rudiger Wolf:

Olympus, Leica, Hasselblad, Apple all have unique uses and relevance. I'm finding the shooting experience is becoming more important to me than image quality. Each has a different shooting window (wildlife, portraits, macro, Astro, travel, sports, etc.). We are fortunate to have so many choices and options.

Rudiger's comment seemed to have a many heads nodding in approval. Jim Kuzman followed up by writing: "Your comment about the shooting experience really resonates with me. I have some excellent lenses but I'm more inclined to trade ultimate image quality for a smaller, more compact, and ultimately more enjoyable setup that gets me 90% of the quality at 50% of the bulk and weight and 100% of the joy.

Larry Borreson chimed in, "I have to agree. Each camera tends to lend itself to its own type of creativity."

Michael Alford commented, "Fuji and OM Systems/Olympus. Main systems, but I also have a Lumix LX100. Then Nikon and Bronica for film, I agree with Ruddier that the shooting experience is more important than image quality, At least now that image quality is so high it hardly matters what you use."

Forty-two percent of our audience have found the brand they like and are sticking with it. Another 42 percent are toggling between two brands depending on the task that's at hand.

I started thinking about my own camera choices. It goes beyond brand for me into the actual camera model. I shoot Nikon for example, but not the more modern Z8 or Z9. I like the Zf. My favorite Olympus model is the PEN-F. And I adore the Fujifilm X100V, but an not interested at all in their X-S20 body.

Along with Rudiger, Michael, Jim, and Larry, the shooting experience is my most important feature.

And I don't know if this happens to you, but I can see just the picture of a new camera and right away know if I want to hold it in my hands.

I remember testing the Nikon Z5 a few years ago. It was a perfectly capable camera, and I said so in my review. But after publishing those words, I promptly sent back my loaner, not even waiting for the full 30 day deadline. I just wasn't inspired with it.

I tested other Nikons too. I was intrigued by the Zfc when it was released, thinking that we were going to become fast friends. I took my loaner on a camping trip in Mendocino County. I came home with lovely pictures. But the camera just didn't feel right in my hands. The retro design was sweet, but the shooting experience was off for me. I sent back my loaner after 30 days.

More time passed and the Nikon Zf hit the market. Once again, B&H sent me a loaner right away. My first shoot with it was a haunted house assignment for a client. That's crazy depending on a brand new camera for a paying gig. But that's what I did. I never sent the Zf back.

The shooting experience was amazing. And I was just as thrilled with its performance when I reviewed the images on my MacBook Pro. I hadn't felt that way since the X100V, and the PEN-F before that.

All cameras these days produce good images. It's how you get there that seems to separate the winners from crowd.

Sometimes photographers write about a lack of inspiration that strikes them. They don't feel inspired. They're out there experimenting. They feel in a rut.

I'm not going to say that buying new gear with solve your creativity problems. But what I will say, is that when you have a camera that really lights you up, even the most mundane situations are fun.

Sigma announces six APS-C lenses for Canon RF mount

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Infrared Photography Workshop - Online - June 2024

Do you feel like the world is looking like "the same old same old" through your camera's viewfinder? Have you felt your enthusiasm for photography waning? Then it's time for you to consider exploring infrared imaging.

Suddenly walks you've taken a hundred times look completely different as you see them through your camera. Old familiar subjects burst to life with new vibrancy. IR photography can energize your creativity, not only for this medium, but for all of your artistry.

Beginning June 5, 2024, join us for this 4-week exploration into the world of IR. During this event, you will learn:

  • The best IR filter to start with.
  • How to test your existing digital camera for infrared sensitivity.
  • Learn about the different types of IR conversions for digital cameras.
  • See how different IR filters produce wildly different results.
  • Learn how to fine-tune your images with software you already own.
  • Discover advanced techniques to take your images to the next level.
  • And much, much more.

This online workshop (Zoom) begins on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, with both morning (9am PST) and evening sessions (4pm PST) available. We will convene weekly thereafter via Zoom for more training sessions (AM and PM), Q&A, and to compare notes. You can attend morning, evening, or both sessions. It's essentially the same content, just different participants.

It is so much fun.

Plus, you will have unlimited access to our online workshop community, DerrickStoryOnline. Here, you can mingle with other workshop participants (past and present), share images for comment, exchange tips and techniques, and enjoy the fellowship of other creatives who share your passion for image-making.

You can reserve your spot for the Infrared Online Workshop here.

AI Ex-Termination: Photoroom and OkCupid Delete Your Ex From Photos

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Magnum Square Print Sale

Exploring the theme Fable, the sale celebrates the symbiosis between visual and written narratives through a collaboration with three writers, who have composed stories and poetry inspired by a selection of images from the sale.? Each of the 85 images featured are available as signed or estate-stamped, museum-quality 6x6" prints online for one week only. ?You can learn more here.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #944, April 23, 2024. Today's theme is "Nikon 28-400mm Lens Review - Does It Measure Up?" I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

The specs seem almost too good to be true. The Nikon zoom has a focal length range of 28-400mm, yet it's compact and light. On the Z8, Z9, and Zf, it features Synchro VR, enabling 5.5 stops of stabilization. It has weather-sealed construction and close focusing. And it costs $1,296. How does it perform? Tune in to today's TDS Photography Podcast to find out. Plus an OM System Warning and ON1 Photo Raw 2024. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 944

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Nikon 28-400mm Lens Review - Does It Measure Up?


When I mounted the brand new NIKKOR Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens on the Nikon Zf with SmallRig grip, I was surprised at how balanced the zoom felt on the camera. I could easily hold and shoot with one hand. The lack of bulk seemed unimaginable when considering that the focal range goes from a wide 28mm to a very long 400mm. If you're outside exploring the world, it's the only lens you would need that day.

Let's start by taking a look at the specs.

  • Full-Frame Coverage | f/4-8 to f/22-45
  • STM Autofocus Stepping Motor
  • 5.5-Stop VR Image Stabilization with Synchro VR on Zf, Z8, and Z9; 5 stops with other Nikon cameras.
  • Zoom lock switch prevents unintentional lens extension
  • 21 Elements in 15 Groups
  • 9-bladed diaphragm creates flattering bokeh
  • Weather-Sealed Construction
  • 77mm Filter Thread
  • Compact square lens hood (included) reduces ghosting and allows zooming operation when inverted
  • 7.9" minimum focusing distance at 28mm
  • 5.6" long at wide angle and weighs just 1.6 pounds


The STM stepping motor is very quiet and focuses quickly in good light. In low light, it's a tad slower. But this is not by any stretch of the imagination a low light lens.

Build and Handling

Amazing well balanced on a full-frame camera. When racking out the telephoto, lens extends to double its original length at 400mm.

The Zoom Ring is nicely damped and large making it easy to grip. It's so large in fact that when the lens hood is reversed, there's still plenty of operating room.

I really like the lock switch that prevents accidental extension of the lens barrel. The metal mount and weather sealing are excellent. The Control Ring is easy to find without having to look, and it can be programmed for a variety of functions including manual focusing, exposure compensation and aperture control.

Image Quality

Again, surprisingly good for a lens of this range. I tested at f/8 with settings of 28, 35, 50, 70, 105, 200, 300, and 400mm. I then viewed the Jpegs and RAWs at 100 percent in Capture One Pro.

Center sharpness was excellent at all focal lengths. Some corner softness a extreme telephoto settings. Mild vignetting appeared at 105mm for the RAW files, but was not present in the Jpegs. There was no noticable CA. Overall, very strong performance.

Bottom Line

The NIKKOR Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens is a very good value at $1,296. If you're traveling and working outdoors, it can replace every lens in your bag dramatically lightening your load.

You can keep the NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8 pancake in your pocket just in case you run into a low light situation. And quite honestly, be in great shape with those two optics.

I think the 28-400mm looks great on the Zf. It's easy to operate. And if you're in good light, it's hard to beat. Highly recommended.

OM System Warns macOS Changes May Prevent You From Updating Your Camera

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Infrared Photography Workshop - Online - June 2024

Do you feel like the world is looking like "the same old same old" through your camera's viewfinder? Have you felt your enthusiasm for photography waning? Then it's time for you to consider exploring infrared imaging.

Suddenly walks you've taken a hundred times look completely different as you see them through your camera. Old familiar subjects burst to life with new vibrancy. IR photography can energize your creativity, not only for this medium, but for all of your artistry.

Beginning June 5, 2024, join us for this 4-week exploration into the world of IR. During this event, you will learn:

  • The best IR filter to start with.
  • How to test your existing digital camera for infrared sensitivity.
  • Learn about the different types of IR conversions for digital cameras.
  • See how different IR filters produce wildly different results.
  • Learn how to fine-tune your images with software you already own.
  • Discover advanced techniques to take your images to the next level.
  • And much, much more.

This online workshop (Zoom) begins on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, with both morning (9am PST) and evening sessions (4pm PST) available. We will convene weekly thereafter via Zoom for more training sessions (AM and PM), Q&A, and to compare notes. You can attend morning, evening, or both sessions. It's essentially the same content, just different participants.

It is so much fun.

Plus, you will have unlimited access to our online workshop community, DerrickStoryOnline. Here, you can mingle with other workshop participants (past and present), share images for comment, exchange tips and techniques, and enjoy the fellowship of other creatives who share your passion for image-making.

You can reserve your spot for the Infrared Online Workshop here.

ON1 Photo Raw 2024 Is a Doozy and Gets Another Interim Update

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A Few Notes from the Spring in Sedona Photography Workshop

What a great time! I discuss the event in this segment of the podcast.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #943, April 16, 2024. Today's theme is "Riding Shotgun to Sedona." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

There are two facets to any road trip: How you think it will go and how it actually turns out. For the journey from Santa Rosa, CA to Sedona, AZ in my all-electric VW ID.4, I felt like I had a great plan. After all, this isn't my first EV rodeo. I've done two trips to Oregon for workshops, plus numerous adventures up and down the state. But I also know that every excursion takes on its own personality. Ride along with me to Sedona and let's experience it together. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 943

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Riding Shotgun to Sedona


Tune-in to hear my on-the-road updates.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #942, April 9, 2024. Today's theme is "The Irresistible Roadtrip." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Ah, the convenience of modern commercial aviation - Just hop on a plane and within a few hours you have landed at your destination. Why would anyone spend the extra time and effort to drive there instead? Well, this photographer for one. And on today's TDS Photography Podcast I will explain why I'm driving to this year's Sedona Workshop instead of flying. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 942

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The Irresistible Roadtrip


My sister, her husband and their 12-year-old dog drove up from Southern California last week to hang out with us for a few days. Over dinner one night we were talking about the long drive up Interstate 5 and how they navigated the challenges.

At one point my wife turned to me and asked, "So why are you driving all the way to Sedona for your workshop? Why don't you just fly there like we did last year?"

It's a great question.

For the October 2023 event, we drove to San Francisco, went through all the pre-boarding rigamarole, landed in Phoenix, rented a Crysler Pacifica, then began the journey north to Sedona. It was fine.

But it did consume an entire day, I was limited on what I could bring to the workshop, and it was expensive.

So since I still have free charging with Electrify America for my VW ID.4, I decided to drive to Sedona this second time around.

First of all, it's free. I can bring whatever I want to the workshop. That means more cameras to choose from each day, plus my own food, portable refrigerator, more clothes, better gear for our labs, and no one herding me around like I'm a dairy cow.

Second of all, I can take pictures along the way. Who knows what I will see or experience between Santa Rosa and Sedona? And when I arrive, I will have my own car packed with my stuff and better able to serve those who are attending the workshop.

My wife's question is perfectly logical. Lots can go wrong on a road trip. But lots can go right too. I think photographers are different. Given the opportunity, we need to spread our wings beyond the confines of a fuselage. Even if a unique photo opp never presents itself, we want that possibility. We want stories to go with our pictures.

In the end, my sister, her husband, and my wife understand why I must drive to Sedona this year. They know that even though I sometimes defy their logic, my logic is what makes me the intrepid artist.

And they will greet me with open arms when I return.

Next Week's Podcast - The Journey

I'm going to document my trip to Sedona and share those ups and downs as next week's podcast. Be sure to tune in.

YouTube CEO Says it is a Problem if OpenAI Scraped Videos for Sora

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Infrared Photography Workshop - Online - June 2024

Do you feel like the world is looking like "the same old same old" through your camera's viewfinder? Have you felt your enthusiasm for photography waning? Then it's time for you to consider exploring infrared imaging.

Suddenly walks you've taken a hundred times look completely different as you see them through your camera. Old familiar subjects burst to life with new vibrancy. IR photography can energize your creativity, not only for this medium, but for all of your artistry.

Beginning June 5, 2024, join us for this 4-week exploration into the world of IR. During this event, you will learn:

  • The best IR filter to start with.
  • How to test your existing digital camera for infrared sensitivity.
  • Learn about the different types of IR conversions for digital cameras.
  • See how different IR filters produce wildly different results.
  • Learn how to fine-tune your images with software you already own.
  • Discover advanced techniques to take your images to the next level.
  • And much, much more.

This online workshop (Zoom) begins on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, with both morning (9am PST) and evening sessions (4pm PST) available. We will convene weekly thereafter via Zoom for more training sessions (AM and PM), Q&A, and to compare notes. You can attend morning, evening, or both sessions. It's essentially the same content, just different participants.

It is so much fun.

Plus, you will have unlimited access to our online workshop community, DerrickStoryOnline. Here, you can mingle with other workshop participants (past and present), share images for comment, exchange tips and techniques, and enjoy the fellowship of other creatives who share your passion for image-making.

You can reserve your spot for the Infrared Online Workshop here.

OM System's focus on the outdoors leaves door open for PEN

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Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #941, April 2, 2024. Today's theme is "Finally, Fast Transfer from SD Card to Smartphone" I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

In theory, our mirrorless cameras and smartphones should be the best of mates. Together, they could provide the power and portability that we could only dream of a decade ago. But thanks to finicky WiFi mobile apps, transfers from camera to smartphones have been painful at best. Then, the EU stepped in. And everything changed. Find out how on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 941

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Finally, Fast Transfer from SD Card to Smartphone


If I told you that you have everything you need right now for reliable, hassle-free transfers of RAWs and Jpegs from you mirrorless camera to your smartphone, would you believe me?

If you've toiled with the wireless-enabled mobile apps from Canon, Nikon, Sony, FujiFilm, and OM System, you probably wouldn't. They're fine for Bluetooth functionality, such as geotagging our camera pictures, but they suck at robust transfer of pictures.

I had pretty much given up on the whole thing until one day when I was gazing at the USB-C port on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. The port that replaced the Lightning connector by mandate of the EU.

That same Lightning connector that I have various card readers for that for some unexplained reason doesn't work with my iPad which does have Lightning.

I started thinking, what if I took my Kingston 1 TB card out of the Nikon Zf, put it in my Kingston SD card reader, and plugged it in to the iPhone 15 Pro Max. It should work. And it does. And not only does it work, it works fast.

So, what software could I use to manage the copying of photos from the SD card to the iPhone. It turns out, that the Apple Files app works great, as does Lightroom Mobile. Photos for iOS also has a direct import function, but it can't separate RAW/Jpeg bundles the way that Lightroom and Files can. So unless I'm shooting Jpeg only, I'll use Files or Lightroom for import.

The basic process is easy.

  • Remove the SD card from the camera, put it in the card reader, and connect the reader to the iPhone.
  • Open the Files app on the iPhone and look for your SD card under Locations. In my case, it will read NIKON Z F.
  • Tap on the SD card name to take you to the next screen. You will see one or more file folders there. Tap on the one that reads DCIM. Depending on how your camera sets up the file system, an additional folder may exist inside DCIM. Tap on it and your photos will be revealed.
  • If you shoot RAW+Jpeg, you will see both versions of your pictures there. To choose the ones you want to copy to the iPhone, tap on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the screen. Then tap on Select.
  • Now, tap on the thumbnails of the pictures you want to copy to the device. They will be marked with a blue check.
  • Tap on the Share button in the lower-left corner of the screen. Choose Save Images.
  • The pictures are now copied to your camera roll on your iPhone and are accessible via Photos and other apps.
  • Swipe up to close the Files app, disconnect the reader from your phone, and return the SD card to your camera.

If you want to bypass the Files app and import from Lightroom Mobile directly, you can. Connect the SD card and tap on the blue import icon in the lower right corner of the Lightroom interface. Lightroom will ask you if you want to add photos from the Device (iPhone), Files (app), or Connected camera/card. Choose Connected camera/card, select the pictures you want, then tap the blue Import button at the bottom of the screen. You pictures will appear.

Why would you want to use either of these methods for pictures from your mirrorless camera?

  • It's really fast. And this becomes even more important if you have a lot of pictures on the memory card.
  • It's dependable. No picture roulette with this workflow.
  • The laptop can stay home. You don't need it!
  • The smartphone is cloud connected. When you do get back to your computer, all of your pictures will be there.
  • SD card readers are small. It fits in the coin pocket of my jeans.

If you want to read about the entire workflow, complete with pictures, check out my free link to the article, Making the iPhone/Mirrorless Camera Connection on Live View.

And thanks EU for finally making Apple put a USB-C connector on my iPhone.

Huh? Pentax announces a new daguerreotype camera!

This was my favorite April Fools story. You can read the entire article on

Ricoh/Pentax announced a daguerreotype camera, catching the film industry off guard. "It's 1830s specs, but with some modern touches," designer Takeo Suzuki stated via Instagram.

While the video doesn't reveal many details or a launch date, Suzuki stated that the camera is in development. "We have wanted to embrace analog technology. The Film Camera Project was just stretching a bit and warming up. Pentax is now seriously throwing down."

Pentax went on to say that their daguerreotype uses the same process as the original 1830s design. "Young people have increasingly shown interest in these kinds of cameras, and we want them to experience the joy that the early pioneering photographers felt."

With traditional daguerreotype cameras, the photographer polished a silver-plated copper sheet until it was like a mirror. Then they zapped it with iodine and bromine vapors to make it light sensitive. After that, they inserted the sheet into the camera, where the exposure was made. The photographer then placed the exposed plate over heated mercury fumes until the image appeared. This produced a surprisingly detailed, one-of-a-kind image.

Since the daguerreotype camera is still in development, Ricoh/Pentax offered few other details. However, they did state that they were exploring various materials. "The original wooden housings were often very large and cumbersome," Suzuki stated, "so we are exploring other materials, including innovative inflatable housings."

The company also noted that they were looking into using heated fumes "other than mercury," noting that customers shouldn't breathe toxic fumes.

Ricoh/Pentax is also looking at creating silver-plated copper sheets with wifi and Bluetooth connectivity so the photographer can upload their daguerreotype prints to social media easily.

Happy April Fools!

Infrared Photography Workshop - Online - June 2024

Do you feel like the world is looking like "the same old same old" through your camera's viewfinder? Have you felt your enthusiasm for photography waning? Then it's time for you to consider exploring infrared imaging.

Suddenly walks you've taken a hundred times look completely different as you see them through your camera. Old familiar subjects burst to life with new vibrancy. IR photography can energize your creativity, not only for this medium, but for all of your artistry.

Beginning June 5, 2024, join us for this 4-week exploration into the world of IR. During this event, you will learn:

  • The best IR filter to start with.
  • How to test your existing digital camera for infrared sensitivity.
  • Learn about the different types of IR conversions for digital cameras.
  • See how different IR filters produce wildly different results.
  • Learn how to fine-tune your images with software you already own.
  • Discover advanced techniques to take your images to the next level.
  • And much, much more.

This online workshop (Zoom) begins on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, with both morning (9am PST) and evening sessions (4pm PST) available. We will convene weekly thereafter via Zoom for more training sessions (AM and PM), Q&A, and to compare notes. You can attend morning, evening, or both sessions. It's essentially the same content, just different participants.

It is so much fun.

Plus, you will have unlimited access to our online workshop community, DerrickStoryOnline. Here, you can mingle with other workshop participants (past and present), share images for comment, exchange tips and techniques, and enjoy the fellowship of other creatives who share your passion for image-making.

You can reserve your spot for the Infrared Online Workshop here.

Ricoh's New GR III HDF and GR IIIx HDF Cameras Feature a Dreamy Filter

You can read the entire article on

Ricoh Imaging has announced a pair of new cameras, the Ricoh GR III HDF and GR IIIx HDF, that incorporate a newly developed highlight diffusion filter (HDF) to easily capture softer, dreamier photos.

The HDF, which can be quickly enabled or disabled in a single action, has been developed using Ricoh's advanced inkjet technology "cultivated over the years," per Ricoh. The special-effect filter diffuses highlight areas and generates a blurring effect around the edge of the image, which Ricoh promises makes it possible to "produce images resembling those captured in film photography or vintage movies."

It is perhaps no coincidence that Ricoh Imaging is making its popular GR III compact camera series deliver more analog-inspired images, given that Ricoh is working hard to ship its Pentax film camera this summer. Vintage aesthetics are definitely in right now as photographers look to capture photos with more character and style.

"The Ricoh GR III HDF and Ricoh GR IIIx HDF inherit the fundamental merits of our GR series -- exceptional image quality, flawless point-and-shoot operation and outstanding portability," says Ken Curry, president, Ricoh Imaging Americas Corporation. "The new GR HDF models give users a new creative option that expands the visual boundaries of snapshot photography."

The "exceptional image quality" part is important, as when the HDF is disabled, the GR III HDF and GR IIIx HDF are identical to the existing models, meaning they promise sharp, detailed 24.2-megapixel images captured with 28mm f/2.8 and 40mm f/2.8 equivalent lenses, respectively.

Given that there is little to differentiate between the HDF and regular GR III cameras, Ricoh has changed the shutter release button on the HDF versions to a dark silver. The default setting of the Fn (function) button has also been changed, with it controlling the on/off setting for the HDF itself on the new cameras.

Ricoh has also added the ability to pre-program three white-balance settings as the base white balance for the new models. This will be available to regular GR III and GR IIIx owners via a free firmware update as soon as the HDF versions hit the market. There is also a new Zone Select AF setting.

Since the new models incorporate the new highlight diffusion filter, they no longer include the neutral density (ND) filter mode.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

TDS Workshops! - You can sign up for available workshops by visiting The Nimble Photographer. Inner Circle Members receive a 10-percent discount on all events.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

Great Photography Articles on Live View - If you check out our publication and appreciate what you see, be sure to follow us and clap for those authors. You can find us at

If you're interested in writing for Live View, drop me a line at

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.