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This is The Digital Story Podcast #875, Dec. 27, 2022. Today's theme is "Investing in What Your Need, Not What You Want" I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

What I need and what I want are not always the same things. It's wonderful when the two line up. But when they don't, I have to make a decision. Today was one of those days. This week I discuss my final equipment purchase of 2022. And how it was what I truly needed. And how I was able to resist what I really wanted. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 875

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Investing in What Your Need, Not What You Want

Back in August with Podcast 854, I discussed our collective backup systems and how many photographers in our community weren't totally satisfied with their systems.

I was among the "somewhat satisfied" group and fading quickly. My two Drobos were still running fine, but their software dashboards were no longer being updated and not compatible with macOS Ventura.

My twin-drive RAID enclosure died. And even though I didn't lose any data, I didn't have a replacement moving forward. I found myself once again cobbling together a backup system based on random hard drives and iCloud. I knew I needed to fix this.

Fast forward to the end of 2022 with no progress. I had a little money left over in the budget and wanted to make a year-end purchase for tax purposes. Here's where it got interesting.


B&H Photo was running some screaming sales. One in particular that caught my eye was the FUJIFILM GF 35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 WR lens for $499 - a savings of $500! This optic would give me an equivalent of 28mm-55mm for my GFX 100S. I didn't own a zoom for that camera, and especially a zoom in my favorite range. And for only $499!

I left that catalog page open for two days. But I never added the lens to my cart. Why? Because what I really needed was a 2-drive RAID enclosure with a couple of 8TB drives. And yes, that rig costs about the same as the lens.

So you can see my dilemma. What I really wanted was the new lens to play with rather than the new backup drive system.

Finally, today, I ordered the Synology DiskStation DS220+ 2-Bay NAS Enclosure with a pair of WD 8TB WD80EFZZ Red Plus SATA III 3.5" Internal NAS HDD internal drives. Thanks to discounts and PayBoo's "no sales tax," then entire setup cost me $550. Well within my $600 budget.

How did I get to the point of choosing what I should invest in over what I wanted? Here's how:

  • Time - Waiting and debating over 48 hours instead of making an impulse purchase.
  • Pros and Cons List - This is where I have to be very honest with myself about the true benefits of each product.
  • Acknowledging I May Be Able to Get What I Want in the Future - If this lens went on sale once, odds are good it will happen again. And maybe next time I will be in a better position to purchase it.

Photography is the toughest area for me to resist tempting new purchases that I don't absolutely need. But if I stick to my system for vetting potential new gear, I almost always make the right choice. Whether I like it or not.


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Big breaking news. Over on the Pentax Japan website they have released a statement and a video, a pretty important one at that. Just have a wild guess what it is about? Yes, that is right, calm yourselves. A new film camera from Pentax. Or at least the intention to start earnest work on researching one. Now if that doesn't sound great then I don't know what will make you happy. So let's have a delve into it.

As many of you may know, Pentax and Ricoh are now the same company, and although the announcement was made by the Ricoh CEO Noboru Akahane, it was made under the umbrella of Pentax. Which inevitably leads to a few interesting thoughts. They could have gone with Ricoh, which would have almost certainly meant a compact camera, but with the announcement under Pentax, that opens the possibility of a new SLR or even a medium format camera. This is very exciting indeed. The official title for the announcement is "Film Camera Project", which sounds like music to my ears.

The camera project states there are two initiatives for this project. To begin considering the development of a new film camera, using the experience of veteran engineers to work with young designers and engineers. This could lead to some very interesting ideas, with new and more modern materials and techniques.

The second initiative is work with film fans to find out what they want from a new camera, utilizing social media and events to aid the development. This is a very nice touch, it shows that not only are they listening, but they are open to feedback. This is a breath of fresh air for a traditional Japanese company like Ricoh.

Both Pentax and Ricoh bring a real wealth of heritage and experience to the table. If any company in Japan can make a new film camera it will be these two. When I was asked if a Japanese company ever make another film camera, Pentax and Ricoh were the only ones I really thought that would have the onions to do it. And well, now they have announced that they are going to give it a crack of the whip.

The 2023 TDS Photography Workshop Lineup

  • Inkjet Printing Workshop for Photographers Online Workshop - Nov/Dec 2022 and Nov/Dec 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Maximizing Your Micro Four Thirds Camera Online Workshop - Feb. 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Ultimate B&W Photography Online Workshop - April 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Pt. Reyes In-Person Photography Workshop - May 16-19, 2023
    Pt. Reyes and its surrounding areas (Tomalas, etc.) provide a wealth of landscape and wildlife photography - and we will explore both!
    This four-day photography adventure takes you to rugged Northern California coastline, rolling hills, seashore wildlife, Tule Elk, tranquil inlets, and so much more.
    This is the perfect getaway to relax, breath fresh air, enjoy the company of your fellow photographers, eat good food, and fill your memory cards with beautiful images.
  • Infrared Photography Online Workshop - July 2023
  • Sedona Arizona In-Person Photography Workshop - Oct. 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Wine Country in Autumn In-Person Photography Workshop - Nov. 2023

You can sign up for any of these events by visiting our Photography Workshops Page. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount on all events.

Photographer Behind Instagram's Most Liked Photo Doesn't Like The Crop

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Getty Images shooter Shaun Botterill took the photo that's officially recorded as the most-liked Instagram post of all time with 71 million likes as of publication.

Botterill says that it's impossible to plan for a trophy lift with so much chaos going on. "It is quite a weird feeling, it's a bit surreal, you go: 'Holy s**t,' he's right there where you want him to be and that doesn't happen often," the photographer says"Even his hands coming up [with the trophy], I think the way he's holding it and smiling, he's definitely got a moment with the fans."

Botterill says that he prefers the original horizontal crop and not the square one that Messi shared on his Instagram. He believes the wider view provides better context and better captures the adulation the soccer legend was receiving.

Botterill doesn't have any social media accounts and initially was unaware that his photo had smashed the all-time record for likes on Instagram. Mark Zuckerberg reposted the photo, confirming that it had taken the record previously held by an egg. "That's the funny thing for me because I'm not on Instagram, I wouldn't even know how to crop an Instagram picture," Botterill says.

Just Released! Photos for macOS Ventura and iPhone Essential Training

With Photos for macOS, you can manage, enhance, and share photos in a variety of ways. It's evolved into a powerful, but easy to use imaging application. And it's free!

In this course, I take you on a detailed exploration of how to use Photos for both the Monterey and Ventura versions, plus tips for iOS as well.

I start with an exploration of the interface, then move into the new features. Noteworthy topics include how to remove duplicates from your library, different ways to use Live Text to transform your camera into a personal assistant, how to search for pictures by object type, copy images from messages to Photos, use Quick Notes with Photos, and automate common tasks with shortcuts and built-in Mac intelligence.

Also included are updates on some of the recent improvements to the importing process, with lots of useful tips for organizing and editing your pictures. (The editing tools are terrific!) Upon completing this course, you'll be working more effectively with Photos for macOS Monterey, Ventura, and iOS.

If you use a Mac and haven't explored Photos for a while, I think you'll be surprised by its power. Take a look for yourself by visiting Photos for macOS Ventura and iPhone Essential Training.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #874, Dec. 20, 2022. Today's theme is "What's It Going to Be in 2023?" I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Just when I thought I had everything dialed in, 2022 happened. The enclosure for my backup RAID died, Capture One took another step toward a subscription model, and I was banned from Twitter. This seems like a good time to take a step back and reexamine my entire photography ecosystem. And if you're interested in doing the same, listen on. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 874

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What's It Going to Be in 2023?


As I'm planning for the new year that's right around the corner, I thought I'd start with a pros and cons list - what are the aspects of my workflow that are in good shape, and what are the areas that need attention.

I'm dividing my workflow into five areas: Capture, Organization, Processing, Backup, and Sharing.

Pros and Cons

Capture - Good Shape - OM System OM-1, Fujifilm X100V, and Pentax KP. Will see what the iPhone 15 looks like in the Fall.

Organization and Processing - OK for 2023, but not sure beyond - Have a perpetual license for Capture One Pro 23, so I don't have to make any decisions right now. But will be watching this landscape closely because a change might be in the works for 2024 depending on what everyone does. Photos for macOS Ventura is fantastic for my mobile photography work.

Backup - Flirting with Danger - My Drobos are aging and not supported by macOS Ventura and my RAID enclosure died. I do have Dropbox and the 1TB iCloud plan, so I'm not totally screwed. But need to shore this up in 2023

Sharing - Moving Away from Social - The Twitter permanent suspension was a real eye-opener. I had been using Twitter for daily photography updates to the TDS site via a sweet little API. That's gone now, and we're trying to figure out a new solution.

I could go to Facebook, but not a real fan of that platform beyond what we already use it for. And Instagram seems pretty volatile. I'm looking at Mastodon and Tumblr, but not really sure about any of them.

In the meantime, I'm going to put energy into our Nimble Photographer newsletter on Substack, maintain our The Digital Story Facebook page, and keep an eye peeled.

Bottom Line - I definitely have some things to work out this year? Will keep you posted as I navigate through them. But clearly, there's work to be done in 2023.

What Are the Best Alternatives to the Adobe Photographer Plan?

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Adobe ruled the waves for image processing. However, evermore people are jumping that ship in favor of alternative methods. Most have similar functions, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. If you are thinking about changing, here are some alternative combined digital asset management, photo development, and editing options.

This article is a brief introduction to the various programs out there. When choosing what you need, there is a balance to be achieved between cost and functionality. All these packages include DAM (digital asset management) and raw development. Not all include advanced image editing, although most raw developers have some degree of local adjustments and simple tools like spot removal and graduated filters. Some features are common to many programs, but not all: HDR processing, panorama stitching, focus stacking, sky replacement, watermarking, and time-lapse creation. Some come with integrated AI-based noise control and sharpening. Others rely on external plugins to do those functions.

I am also writing this for desktop (or laptop) editors. Consequently, I only concentrate on computer-based programs and not comparing the cloud services that some offer, nor the phone and tablet apps.

I'll mention the unique selling points of each, but this isn't an in-depth review. If you want a DAM program, they all work. If you want raw development, then they all do that too. Some allow advanced image editing, while others require you to open a different program. The workflow of each is unique too. Therefore, making direct comparisons is difficult.

Adobe Made $17.61 Billion in 2022, $10.46 Billion on Creative Cloud Alone

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Adobe's Fiscal Year 2022 earnings have been released and the company achieved a record revenue of $17.61 billion, which represents a 15% year-over-year (YoY) growth. Creative Cloud revenue grew to 10.46 billion on its own.

The financial results for the Silicon Valley-based software company are, in a word, impressive. Adobe achieved revenue of $4.53 billion in its fourth quarter (Q4) of fiscal year 2022, which represents a 10% year-over-year growth. Additionally, record cash flows from operations were $2.33 billion, and the Digital Media segment -- the part of the business that contains all of Adobe's creative applications -- pulled a revenue of $3.30 billion or 14% YoY growth.

Creative Cloud alone represented $2.68 billion in revenue in Q4, representing 13% YoY growth that continues to show that Adobe's choice to switch from a model of annual perpetual software releases to subscriptions has been a massive boon for the company's profits.

Adobe's annual numbers are staggering. The Digital Media segment saw revenue of $12.84 billion, which represents 11 percent year-over-year growth. Within that, Creative Cloud revenue grew to $10.46 billion, representing 10 percent year-over-year growth. Both the Document Cloud and Digital Experience segments also saw double-digit YoY growth, highlighting a set of multiple divisions that saw monumental profits in 2022.

Looking at just the revenue for Adobe Creative Cloud, it's no wonder that Capture One is strongly pushing to shift its business model to subscriptions. Adobe has seen wild, incredible growth basically every year since it did away with the Creative Suite and moved to the Creative Cloud, and any business in this segment is obviously going to look at Adobe's strategy in order to remain competitive.

Photographers can ask for perpetual software until they're blue in the face, but no company is going to turn down this kind of revenue.

The 2023 TDS Photography Workshop Lineup

  • Inkjet Printing Workshop for Photographers Online Workshop - Nov/Dec 2022 and Nov/Dec 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Maximizing Your Micro Four Thirds Camera Online Workshop - Feb. 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Ultimate B&W Photography Online Workshop - April 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Pt. Reyes In-Person Photography Workshop - May 2023
  • Infrared Photography Online Workshop - July 2023
  • Sedona Arizona In-Person Photography Workshop - Oct. 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Wine Country in Autumn In-Person Photography Workshop - Nov. 2023

You can sign up for any of these events by visiting our Photography Workshops Page. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount on all events.

Just Released! Photos for macOS Ventura and iPhone Essential Training

With Photos for macOS, you can manage, enhance, and share photos in a variety of ways. It's evolved into a powerful, but easy to use imaging application. And it's free!

In this course, I take you on a detailed exploration of how to use Photos for both the Monterey and Ventura versions, plus tips for iOS as well.

I start with an exploration of the interface, then move into the new features. Noteworthy topics include how to remove duplicates from your library, different ways to use Live Text to transform your camera into a personal assistant, how to search for pictures by object type, copy images from messages to Photos, use Quick Notes with Photos, and automate common tasks with shortcuts and built-in Mac intelligence.

Also included are updates on some of the recent improvements to the importing process, with lots of useful tips for organizing and editing your pictures. (The editing tools are terrific!) Upon completing this course, you'll be working more effectively with Photos for macOS Monterey, Ventura, and iOS.

If you use a Mac and haven't explored Photos for a while, I think you'll be surprised by its power. Take a look for yourself by visiting Photos for macOS Ventura and iPhone Essential Training.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

With Photos for macOS, you can manage, enhance, and share photos in a variety of ways. It's evolved into a powerful, but easy to use imaging application. And it's free!

In this course, I take you on a detailed exploration of how to use Photos for both the Monterey and Ventura versions, plus tips for iOS as well.

The power of Photos in macOS Ventura and on your iPhone from Photos for macOS Ventura and iPhone Essential Training by Derrick Story

I start with an exploration of the interface, then move into the new features. Noteworthy topics include how to remove duplicates from your library, different ways to use Live Text to transform your camera into a personal assistant, how to search for pictures by object type, copy images from messages to Photos, use Quick Notes with Photos, and automate common tasks with shortcuts and built-in Mac intelligence.

Also included are updates on some of the recent improvements to the importing process, with lots of useful tips for organizing and editing your pictures. (The editing tools are terrific!) Upon completing this course, you'll be working more effectively with Photos for macOS Monterey, Ventura, and iOS.


The lessons are divided into easy to digest short movies that average between 2-4 minutes. You can work along with the techniques by using the included example Photos library. The entire course runs just 1 hour 37 minutes.

If you use a Mac and haven't explored Photos for a while, I think you'll be surprised by its power. Take a look for yourself by visiting Photos for macOS Ventura and iPhone Essential Training.

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #873, Dec. 13, 2022. Today's theme is "I Am Worn Out by Subscriptions." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

I think a little something inside of me snapped the other day when I read that Capture One was beginning the process of migrating us over to a subscription based model. For some reason, I'm not sure why, it was the final straw. And now I'm standing back and looking at everyone who insist on reaching into my pockets every month in exchange for a service. What I discovered is the lead story on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 873

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I Am Worn Out by Subscriptions


In our last Nimble Photographer Newsletter, I wrote about Capture One moving to a subscription-based service, and how I'm not sure how that's going to effect my future with them.

This topic was already tumbling around in my head. Earlier this month I created a Numbers spreadsheet with all of the subscriptions that I currently maintained.

It's a simple 3-column spreadsheet that has a checkbox in column one, subscription name in the second, and the monthly amount in the third column.

If a subscription is checked, its monthly amount is added to the total. Unchecked, it is not. This allows me to manage my bottom line by checking and unchecking subscriptions.

Currently, my subscription list has 18 items. Most of these are for work, such as the Adobe Photography Plan, Mighty Networks, Vimeo, and Squarespace. Others are personal such as Netflix, Apple TV+, and NY Times.

When I began the exercise, every box was checked for a total of $610 a month for both personal and business subscriptions. If I unchecked the personal items, my business total is $313 per month. That left me with $297 a month in fees for personal subscriptions. That was just too much.

On my first pass, I was able to remove $80 in subs that I just didn't need. I will take a crack at a second pass later this month.

So you can imagine my joy about the Capture One news.

So here's my view on why I like perpetual licenses vs. monthly subscription fees. With a perpetual license, I can decide whether to upgrade on a release by release basis.

Sticking with our Capture One example, If I don't plan to add any new cameras in a given year, and I don't absolutely have to have the latest set of features, I can opt out of the update and stand pat with what I have. And to be honest, I could probably do that every other year.

Capture One had been charging $199 for a perpetual license upgrade. If I updated every other year, that would work out to be far less than the subscription model that forces me to pay on a regular basis.

And I don't mean to be picking on Capture One, because this is happening everywhere. Even new cars want subscriptions for specific add on features.

I understand why businesses want subscriptions. They have our money no matter what. But that seems somewhat uncompetitive to me. They don't really have to earn our purchase anymore with dazzling new features.

In my business, I have resisted subscriptions. The TDS Photography Podcast is free. The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is also free. Online and physical workshops are a set price.

If you want to support the work I do beyond attending a workshop, you can pledge $54 a year through Patreon. I love the folks who do that. Because they recognize that it takes a lot of work to publish a weekly podcast and a weekly newsletter. And they choose to help me keep that going.

Services who constantly reach for customers' wallets for every little thing better be careful. Because at some point customers might just decide to go somewhere else. And that number is 0$ a month in subscriptions.

DxO Offers More Than 1,700 New Optics Modules and FOV Enhancements for PhotoLab 6.1

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Now, DxO is announcing the immediate availability of 1,700 new DxO Optics Modules, consisting of three new cameras and 18 optics, including the highly anticipated Canon RF 15-30mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM lens. The total number of DxO Optics Modules now exceeds 78,000 camera and lens combinations. These updates apply to the newest edition of Photolab 6.1, which is also available now.

For example, there's the new Canon RF 15-30mm lens at 16mm: DxO says that generic raw conversion software will typically crop 10% or more of the image. For photographers who want to avoid losing precious detail from the edge of the frame, DxO's corrections maximize the lens' field of view while also delivering superior corrections to sharpness and distortion.

The company also claims another unique benefit of working with DxO Optics Modules is the fully automatic correction of lack of lens sharpness uniformity across the entire image. DxO uses an exclusive lens sharpness calibration that delivers tailor-made adjustments and corrections across each lens' field of view. Unlike competitors, sharpening is applied at different levels, specific to a lens' idiosyncrasies. For instance, sharpening might increase towards the edge of the frame to balance any radial softness. This achieves superior results when compared to applying general sharpening across the entire image -- an approach taken in lesser software.

DxO PhotoLab 6.1 (Windows and macOS) is now available for download on the DxO website at the following prices:

DxO PhotoLab 6.1 ESSENTIAL Edition: $139
DxO PhotoLab 6.1 ELITE Edition: $219

A free 30-day trial is available. Owners of DxO PhotoLab 6 can update for free from within the software.

Also, throughout December, DxO has a special holiday gift: photographers save 30% when they buy two or more DxO software titles.

$71 Coat Makes Wearers Invisible to AI Security Cameras

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Students in China have invented a $71 "invisibility cloak" that hides wearers from artificial intelligence (AI) security cameras. Developed by a team of students at Wuhan University, the "InvisDefense" is a low-cost coat that can be worn day or night to evade detection from security AI camera systems.

To the naked eye, it looks like any other ordinary camouflage pattern coat. However, during the day the coat's customized camouflage prints which is designed through an algorithm effectively blind visible light cameras. At night, the coat's embedded thermal devices emit unusual heat signals to confuse infrared cameras.

"Security cameras using AI technology are everywhere. They pervade our lives," Wei tells Vice World News. "Our privacy is exposed under machine vision. We designed this product to counter malicious detection, to protect people's privacy and safety in certain circumstances."

The 2023 TDS Photography Workshop Lineup

  • Inkjet Printing Workshop for Photographers Online Workshop - Nov/Dec 2022 and Nov/Dec 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Maximizing Your Micro Four Thirds Camera Online Workshop - Feb. 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Ultimate B&W Photography Online Workshop - April 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Pt. Reyes In-Person Photography Workshop - May 2023
  • Infrared Photography Online Workshop - July 2023
  • Sedona Arizona In-Person Photography Workshop - Oct. 2023
  • Wine Country in Autumn In-Person Photography Workshop - Nov. 2023

You can sign up for any of these events by visiting our Photography Workshops Page. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount on all events.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #872, Dec. 6, 2022. Today's theme is "5 Handmade Photo Gifts that People Will Love." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

When it comes to the holiday season, I say, "Use your talents for good!" And what better way to share your photography than creating memorable gifts for friends and loved ones? Today, I'll share with you 5 great ideas that you can pull together quickly for this time of giving. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 872

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5 Handmade Photo Gifts that People Will Love

Cards-1024.jpeg Handmade fine art greeting cards by photographer John Hershey.

What do you give people who have everything they want? Something they didn't realize they needed. Photographers are in a unique position to create a variety of holiday treasures. Here are a few to consider for your loved ones.

  • A Personalized Family Portrait - Not just any department store group shot, but one in a location that has meaning photographers by someone who knows all the players.
  • A Family or Friends Treasure Board - Chances are very good that you have a catalog of images of friends and family. How about creating a framed treasure board with those images that show the history of these folks over the years?
  • 2 Hours of Tech Support - This can be an especially nice gift for older family members who just can't get anyone to help them with their phones, computers, or cameras.
  • Set of Fine Art Notecards with Blank Interiors - Notecards are wonderful to have on hand for quick thank you notes and special acknowledgements. And if you include matching postage stamps, this gift is sure to wow.
  • Hand Me Down Camera - To a budding photographer.

A nice touch to any gift you give is handmade wrapping paper. You can use a number of textured photos and print them in a pattern on lightweight paper. It's a wonderful finishing touch!

Adobe Stock Will Now Let Contributors Sell AI-Generated Artwork

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Adobe has announced that its stock photography service, Adobe Stock, is now accepting illustrations created using generative artificial intelligence (AI) such as those created by OpenAI's Dall-E or Stable Diffusion.

In a blog post, the company says that the choice to allow generative AI onto its platform came after it "deeply considered" questions of ethics and proper use of the technology. The result it that while it is accepting artwork created with AI, it has also created a new submission policy that it believes will ensure generated artwork is used responsibly by creators and customers both.

"While early generative AI technologies have raised valid concerns, Adobe is committed to helping lead the evolution that will come from this technology into tools that empower artists, while never seeking to replace human imagination," the company writes.

"Properly built, used, and disclosed to viewers, generative AI can be a powerful tool to enhance creativity, accelerating the creative process to benefit both consumers of digital assets and the community of contributors who produce those assets."

Pantone Just Announced Its 'Unconventional' Color of the Year for 2023

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Today is the day we learn which color will take the crown as the color of the year for 2023. Are you ready to start seeing the unconventional new shade everywhere?

All eyes are on Pantone, the worldwide standard for color communication, as they announce their hotly anticipated color of the year for 2023. Last year's shade was PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri and chosen in part to reflect the optimism in the air post-pandemic. For 2023, however, PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta is the color chosen and is described as an unconventional shade for an unconventional time. Viva Magenta is claimed to be able to communicate power and demonstrate strength.

If you're not too familiar with Viva Magenta as a color, think of a bold magenta shade with a pink undertone. While I do appreciate a company declaring a color of the year could look like just another marketing gimmick, Pantone doesn't just pluck a random color out of thin air. Instead, they look to creative industries, from entertainment to fashion, to interiors and design to make an educated guess about what shades will be important in the coming 12 months. For photographers that operate in these creative circles, it can only be a good thing to know what the color of the year is. I know when I've mentioned the selected shade to various art directors, designers, or commercial clients, they have always been impressed I even knew what it was.

The 2023 TDS Photography Workshop Lineup

  • Inkjet Printing Workshop for Photographers Online Workshop - Nov/Dec 2022 and Nov/Dec 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Maximizing Your Micro Four Thirds Camera Online Workshop - Feb. 2023.
  • Ultimate B&W Photography Online Workshop - April 2023
  • Pt. Reyes In-Person Photography Workshop - May 2023
  • Infrared Photography Online Workshop - July 2023
  • Sedona Arizona In-Person Photography Workshop - Oct. 2023
  • Wine Country in Autumn In-Person Photography Workshop - Nov. 2023

You can sign up for any of these events by visiting our Photography Workshops Page. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount on all events.

OM-1 Firmware Update 1.3

Update your OM-1 camera's firmware today for these benefits.
- Improved performance of C-AF when shooting still images.
- Improved performance of C-AF when recording videos.
- Stability of other operations has been improved.
Updating for the first time? Watch our instructional video to learn how to update your firmware.

You can learn more here about the update.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

I just spent 15 minutes culling 300 photos from the Eastern Sierra. Thanks to the new Cull Images feature in Capture One Pro 23, the process was not only painless, but enjoyable. Here's how it works.

C1P23-Cull-2.jpg Culling images in Capture One Pro 23.

Two Basic Approaches to Using the Cull Images Tool

There are two basic approaches to culling in C1P 23: at the time of import, or after the images are in the catalog. There's a big difference between the two.

If you're culling directly off the card in the import dialog box, you're determining which images will be copied into the catalog. Pictures that aren't marked for import will remain on the card only. This is presorting in the truest sense.

The second approach is to bring everything into the catalog, then cull, using the star and color label tools to rate the pictures. The upside of this is you have everything you shot on the computer. The downside is you're bringing in a lot of content that you may never use.

Enabling Cull Images

In the Group Overview panel on the left side, make sure Enable Groups is checked. If the images are already on the computer, click on the Cull icon in the upper left first to start the process.

The Similarity default is 75%. That has worked well for me, and I just leave it there unless otherwise needed. The computer will take a few moments to gather the pictures. Once it has, double-click on an image to get the ball rolling.

You will see an enlarged version of the shot you clicked on, plus two vertical columns on the right. The column next to the selected picture contains the images in that group. You can navigate through them using the Up and Down arrow keys.

The column to the far right contains all the images with the group markings. You can navigate from group to group using the Right and Left arrow keys.

If you want to zoom in on a displayed picture, double-click on it for closer examination. Once you're finished with the process, click the Done key in the lower right to return to the standard Capture One interface.

That's all there is to it! Easy. If you forget the keyboard shortcuts, they are available at the bottom of the interface. You can add star ratings via the number keys. The entire process goes very quickly once you get going. Navigate via the arrow keys and mark with the numbers.

C1P23-Sorted.jpg Sorted images in Capture One Pro 23.

Final Thoughts

Culling is one of the least exciting activities (other than keywording). Yet the engineers at Capture One have found a way to make this enjoyable.

Generally speaking, I recommend that you save culling for after the images are already copied to the catalog. But there might be those times, such as grabbing your favorites off a cherished memory card, where culling at import makes sense. I must admit, it's fun to see only your best shots flow into Capture One.

Capture One Pro 23 is available now from capture

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #871, November 29, 2022. Today's theme is "The Secret Lives of Photographers." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

It's true: we love our cameras, taking pictures, and hanging beautiful images on the wall. We are photographers. But many visual artists are also talented in other areas of creative expression. I've learned this over the years during casual conversations at workshops and conferences. And many times I've been impressed with the revelations. This week's podcast is dedicated to the secret (artistic) lives of photographers. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 871

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The Secret Lives of Photographers


Last week I reached out to our community of photographers who follow me on Substack and asked them about their hidden talents. I got some great responses.

Here in the order of most popular talents are what they shared.

  • Playing a musical instrument.
  • Writing short form essays and articles.
  • Graphic arts.
  • Painting.
  • Songwriting.
  • Drafting.

I also provided an "Other" category where readers could list activities that were not included in the poll. I found some of these fascinating, and want to share a few of them with you.

Barb: "Tapestry weaving is a great addition to Photography. They are both about images but the tactile nature of working with yarn has a fulfillment all its own. They both use color and light but the visualizations are wonderfully different and complimentary."

Evelyn: "Watercolor, ukulele, weaving, spinning and knitting are my things besides photography."

John: "Watercolor painting, graphic design, piano playing. All compliment photography and each other."

Karl: "Wood working , wood turning, copper art, driftwood art."

Carl: "I am furniture maker (22 pieces in our home) and wood turner of both open and closed form vessels."

Jim: "Musically I am primarily and organist and pianist, but six years ago, at age 50, decided to teach myself bass guitar just to learn something new. For my full time work, I am a technical writer, but also enjoy some casual writing and blogging for fun."

Clearly we have a talented audience here. Thanks to everyone who voted in the polls and contributed comments. I thought this was a lot of fun.

Sony Will Supply Apple with 'Advanced' Image Sensor for the Next iPhone

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Sony is set to provide Apple with a "state-of-the-art" image sensor for its next iPhone that will supposedly double the amount of light it can capture and give it the ability to clearly capture a face even with a strong backlight.

Nikkei Asia reports that it has learned Sony will supply Apple and "other smartphone makers" with access to the new image sensor, which the company is producing in response to pressure from Samsung Electronics, which also makes smartphone sensors.

According to the report, Sony's new image sensor doubles the saturation signal level in each pixel which allows it to capture more light while also allowing it to reduce overexposure or underexposure in certain settings. As a result, the sensor is capable of not only better low-light performance, but it is better able to meter starkly different exposures, such as a face that is heavily backlit by the sun.

At the time of the announcement and in that detailed presentation in February, Sony did not say when the new sensor would find its way into consumer devices or even when it intended to manufacture the sensors at scale. Those questions appear to be answered now though, as Sony is preparing to be able to provide it for use in smartphones that are expected to be released in the Fall of 2023.

The latest sensor on the iPhone 14 is already extremely impressive, so adding even more imaging prowess to the smartphone will no doubt further close the gap between standalone cameras and mobile devices.

Canon's new 'Pro' webcam software costs as much as just buying a capture card

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It felt like companies were offering some goodwill during the pandemic when they released free software that allowed a camera you already own to work as a webcam, but now, Canon's looking for some of that sweet recurring subscription revenue. A new update to its EOS Webcam Utility software adds a bunch of new features, but only as part of a new Pro tier that costs $5 per month or $50 per year.

Opting to pay gets you new features like streaming up to five cameras at once via USB, wireless single-camera streaming, 60fps support, finer controls for custom scene profiles, watermark insertion, control of your camera settings via the UI, and some further granular tweaks. While much of that sounds nice and may make for a better experience when using the EOS Webcam Utility, the Pro version tops out at just 1080p resolution (the free tier is still stuck with 720p). That seems a little paltry for a paid service utilizing a variety of cameras capable of outputting 4K via their HDMI ports.

Look, I get it: Camera companies are thirsty for recurring revenue streams just like everyone else -- and normally, their only source is a pro service program like Canon Professional Services (CPS). But while some of these new features added to Canon's webcam software seem nifty, I can't shake the fact that basic capture cards are really cheap now, and two years of this service costs about as much as buying an Elgato CamLink 4K for yourself -- which supports the same 1080p / 60p and even goes up to 4K resolution without any subscription. As for all the advanced software control, OBS may be a pain in the ass to learn, but it's free to use.

It's a relief to see that Canon will maintain the free tier for owners who just want the basics and can't be bothered to buy additional hardware for streaming, but now it seems like a safe bet that most new features will be kept behind the paywall.

The 2023 TDS Photography Workshop Lineup

  • Inkjet Printing Workshop for Photographers Online Workshop - Nov/Dec 2022 and Nov/Dec 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Maximizing Your Micro Four Thirds Camera Online Workshop - Feb. 2023.
  • Ultimate B&W Photography Online Workshop - April 2023
  • Pt. Reyes In-Person Photography Workshop - May 2023
  • Infrared Photography Online Workshop - July 2023
  • Sedona Arizona In-Person Photography Workshop - Oct. 2023
  • Wine Country in Autumn In-Person Photography Workshop - Nov. 2023

You can sign up for any of these events by visiting our Photography Workshops Page. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount on all events.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #870, November 22, 2022. Today's theme is "Totally Fun Holiday Gift Guide for Photographers." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

There are many accessories and optics that can make a photographer's work more creative and efficient. And sometimes we don't even know that those helpful items can be. But maybe after today's podcast you'll have a better idea. Here are my suggestions for fun and functional goodies for the visual artists in your life.

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Totally Fun Holiday Gift Guide for Photographers


  • Lens Cap Keeper Holder Buckle Kit (52-67mm) $13 - The buckle could be attached on the camera strap. Each buckle holds three sizes of lens caps on opposing sides of the holder. Fits most lens caps. Easily attaches to your camera's neck/shoulder strap/bag strap and no extra modification of your camera or lens cap is required. Avoid losing your lens cap during shooting sessions on the go.
  • T-Shirt.jpg

  • Everyone's a Photographer Until T-Shirt $17 - Everyone's A Photographer Until Manual Mode designs. Do you or someone you know love taking pictures? Then get this funny design. Photographer will absolutely love this design.

  • FanVince Winter Gloves - $17 - With the Unique and Sensitive touchscreen Fingers Capability (touchable thumb and forefinger), all your touchscreen devices, even the smartphone covered with screen protector, can be easily clicked used. Coming with enough silicone particles on the palm, thumb, index finger and middle finger, which effectively increases the grip strength and abrasion resistance of the touch screen gloves.
  • Geekey-Multitool.jpg

  • Geekey Multitool TSA Friendly $18 - Original Stainless Steel Key Shaped Pocket Tool for Keychain | Bottle Opener, Screwdriver, Ruler, Wrench, Bit Driver, File, Bike Spoke Key | TSA Friendly - Its features include a 3.2/3.3mm Bike Spoke Key, a Screwdriver tip that will fit a #2/3 Slotted, #2 Square Drive, #2/3 Phillips, and #2/3 Combinations (Phillips/Slotted or Phillips/Square) screw all in one bit, Imperial and Metric Closed Wrench, ¼ inch Open Wrench, ¼ inch Bit Driver, Scoring Tip, Serrated Edge, Can Opener, Wire Stripper, File, Imperial and Metric Ruler, Protractor, Bottle Opener, Multi-head fit Driver, and a Lanyard Hole.
  • Trekking-Poll.jpg

  • ALPS Mountaineering Classic Trekker $30 - The Classic Trekker quickly locks into place thanks to its high-quality fast locking lever system, making on-the-go adjustments a breeze. Featuring 7075 aluminum construction, the Classic Trekker is both durable and lightweight. You can use the Classic Trekker as a traditional walking staff or trekking pole with the length extension feature. Another bonus feature is you can remove the round wooden top to reveal an accessory mount allowing the Classic Trekker to double as a monopod. You won't want to hit the trails without the Classic Trekker.
  • neewer-Lightbox.jpg

  • Apple AirTag 4 Pack - $75 - Precision Finding with Ultra Wideband technology leads you right to your nearby AirTag (on select iPhone models).
  • Neewer Photo Studio Lightbox $115 - Shooting Light Tent with Adjustable Brightness, Foldable and Portable Tabletop Photography Lighting Kit with 80 LED Lights and 4 Colored Backdrops. Featuring 80 LEDs, a CRI of 85+, 6000-6500K color temperature, the 20" × 20" × 20" / 50 × 50 × 50cm light box provides bright white light to showcase your products. The brightness adjustment knob on the power adapter allows you to conveniently adjust light brightness. Easily set up the light box with the hook-and-loop fasteners. The foldable design lets you fold it down and carry it wherever you go.
  • Kidak-Scanner.jpg

  • KODAK Slide N SCAN Film and Slide Scanner with Large LCD Screen $180 - With the new SLIDE N SCAN Digital Film Scanner from KODAK, you can view, edit and convert your old photos, no tech savvy necessary! This easy yet elegant 22MP scanner delivers crisp, clear, beautiful images with the press of a button. Best of all, there's no straining to see. Watch old memories come to life on the large 5" LCD screen with extra wide viewing angle and gallery mode--perfect for previewing pictures, or for using the scanner as a desktop photo frame! Unlike other frustrating scanners that require you to remove the tray and reposition slides each time, our easy-load insert system allows for continuous feeding, speeding up the scanning process significantly. In addition to the main 50mm slide holder, three adapters are also provided for compatibility with 135, 110 and 126mm films. You can finally skip the stressful software and complicated onboard buttons--and simply scan!

Fujifilm Japan is temporarily ceasing X100V orders due to having too many to process

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Fujifilm announced the release of its X100V APS-C digital camera back in February 2020. Now, nearly three years later, Fujifilm Japan has announced it is having to temporarily stop orders due to having too many back orders, according to a new report from FujiRumors.

In the public notice posted to Fujifilm Japan's website, it reads 'we have received orders that have greatly exceeded our initial plan, and we are unable to keep up with the supply of products, so we will temporarily stop accepting orders from today.' Based on the public notice being issued only by Fujifilm Japan for now, it appears as though this cessation of new orders will only be affecting the Japanese market. We have contacted Fujifilm representatives to confirm whether or not similar measures will be put in place in other regions.

Derrick Note: B&H posted a Request Assistance button on their site for the camera stating: "Unfortunately, our supplier cannot provide an accurate timeframe so we have suspended backorders for this item. Reach out to our Experts (available via Live Chat or Phone) to find an alternative solution tailored to your needs." and Amazon Marketplace is selling "renewed" cameras for $2,169.

The 2023 TDS Photography Workshop Lineup

  • Inkjet Printing Workshop for Photographers Online Workshop - Nov/Dec 2022 and Nov/Dec 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Maximizing Your Micro Four Thirds Camera Online Workshop - Feb. 2023.
  • Ultimate B&W Photography Online Workshop - April 2023
  • Pt. Reyes In-Person Photography Workshop - May 2023
  • Infrared Photography Online Workshop - July 2023
  • Sedona Arizona In-Person Photography Workshop - Oct. 2023
  • Wine Country in Autumn In-Person Photography Workshop - Nov. 2023

You can sign up for any of these events by visiting our Photography Workshops Page. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount on all events.

The Average US Adult is Hoarding Over $2,000 of Unused Tech: Report

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New research has revealed that the average U.S. adult is sitting on over $2,000 worth of unused tech -- with the majority of consumers surveyed owning at least one camera in their home that they are not using. According to new data from camera reseller, MPB, alongside research provider CINT, the U.S. is hoarding over $650 billion worth of technological devices they do not use.

In MPB's online survey, which was completed by 13,000 adults, two-thirds of Americans revealed they have at least one piece of unused tech in their home. The average U.S. adult is estimated to be sitting on $2,459 worth of unused tech.

The average amount consumers spend every year to keep up with the latest technology is over $500. And two-thirds of consumers surveyed feel that the cost of technology is too expensive.

According to the survey, millennials and Generation Z are holding on to the most unused tech. Adults aged between 18 to 34 have an average of $3,691 worth of unused tech in the U.S. 56 percent of them have at least one unused camera in their home.

When asked why they had not sold an unused piece of tech, the two most popular reasons consumers gave were that they did not think they would receive much money in return and they or someone close to them might need it one day.

My Twitter Account Now Permanently Suspended

Without warning and for no reason.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #869, November 15, 2022. Today's theme is "Scratches, Dings, and Paint Chips." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Most enthusiast photographers go to great lengths to protect their gear. We use high tech camera bags, half cases, aluminum bottom plates, protection filters, lens hoods, and more. But what level of concern is truly important for our equipment? We explore these worries and more on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

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The Story of Kent Porter

In Sonoma County, we have a photography legend named Kent Porter, who has worked as a photographer for the Press Democrat for 34 years. During the past five years, he's been concerned with the effects of climate change here in Northern California.

I think you will find his story interesting.

How Front Element Scratches Affect Your Images


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To put it simply, front element scratches will reduce the contrast and sharpness of your images, but nearly exclusively at the point where the scratch is on the element. So will you notice these scratches in your images? Probably not. This is because of how lenses capture light. In general, dirt, debris, and damage will be most evident when it's closest to the focal plane (sensor). At lower aperture values (f/1.4, f/2.8, or f/3.5 for example), a front element scratch will be almost impossible to detect, and dust or damage on the actual sensor (or on the rear element of the lens) will appear as a small shadow or possibly a blurry artifact. At higher aperture values (f/16, f/20, f/22, for example), a front element scratch may be a bit more noticeable, appearing as a place with less contrast and hazier. A rear element scratch or sensor scratch will be much more apparent at higher apertures, appearing as a flare, or in some cases, even a black blob. This is why it's easy to test whether or not you have sensor dust - just set your aperture to f/16 or above, point the camera to the blue sky, and press the shutter. You'll likely see sensor dust pretty easily, as dark spots.

To illustrate this point, we pulled some scratched lenses from our repair department's inventory and did some side-by-side comparisons. Example photos are below, and as you can see, both lenses performed near equally to their undamaged brethren. I doubt you'll be able to see any differences between the scratched and unscratched comparisons.

As you can tell from above, you likely won't be able to see the differences between one image and the other, and scratches will have almost no noticeable changes to your images. However, one place where it can have larger effects is when you have flares in your images, so let's look at how each lens performs when we're intentionally flaring lights.

That said, obviously, regardless of these results, no one wants to put a big scratch on the front of their lens, so, it's important to take means of protecting their lens if they can, so here are some tools that can help protect the front of your camera lens.

The Best Filter System I've Tested: We Review the Kase Wolverine IV Magnetic Filter System

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The Kase Wolverine IV magnetic system is the best filter system I have ever used when it comes to usability. Nothing comes close to how straightforward and easy this system is.

There are two ways to use this filter system. The first is with a static circular adapter ring that attaches to the lens. This static ring is small, lightweight, and screws on with the filter threads on the front of most lenses. Once it's screwed onto the lens, you can attach multiple circular filters via the magnets in the filters and adapter rings.

The polarizing filter that comes with the pack doesn't have the common dual circular feature that allows it to rotate once attached. Instead, because it's being attached via the magnets, it's never fixed in place and can therefore be rotated to whatever orientation you need.

Additionally, you can attach ND filters on top of the polarizing filter should you need to control the exposure too. In my experience, most people tend to want the ability to shoot with one ND and one polarizing filter. This smaller, static adapter ring offers this ability in what I think is the most user-friendly manner I have ever experienced. It is, without a doubt, the best-implemented filter system I've ever used.

With so many filter systems on the market, it can be difficult to figure out which is best for you. As photographers, many of us have our own personal preferences. Despite this, I find it difficult to imagine anyone disliking this system. Aside from the poor performance of the 6-stop filter, the Kase filter system comes closest to perfect overall.

The polarizer and 10-stop filter system are true standouts amongst many of the options available on the market. Coupled with the fact that this system is incredibly easy to use, it makes for what could be the best option on the market.

The 2023 TDS Photography Workshop Lineup

  • Inkjet Printing Workshop for Photographers Online Workshop - Nov/Dec 2022 and Nov/Dec 2023. SOLD OUT
  • Maximizing Your Micro Four Thirds Camera Online Workshop - Feb. 2023.
  • Ultimate B&W Photography Online Workshop - April 2023
  • Pt. Reyes In-Person Photography Workshop - May 2023
  • Infrared Photography Online Workshop - July 2023
  • Sedona Arizona In-Person Photography Workshop - Oct. 2023
  • Wine Country in Autumn In-Person Photography Workshop - Nov. 2023

You can sign up for any of these events by visiting our Photography Workshops Page. Inner Circle Members receive a 10 percent discount on all events.

The 2022 Oregon Coast Workshop a Success

Here's a brief overview of the wonderful time we enjoyed together last week.

What's new in the latest Capture One 23 release

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Smart Adjustments - Aimed at portrait, wedding and event photographers, the Smart Adjustments offers consistency in your portraits in just a few clicks with Smart Adjustments. Automatically adjusting Exposure and White Balance to match looks across a series of images. Designed to work where copy/apply could not give consistent results before. Smart Adjustments can be added as a Style getting you closer to one-click editing.

Cull and Import Upgrades - Sort and select images faster with a dedicated function specifically designed for culling. View, rate, tag and browser with zero delays (no preview generation required). View similar images for faster selection on import or with the new dedicated cull view. Specially designed with high-volume photographers in mind, to make finding your best shots faster.

Also: Layers in Styles, Change Capture Time, Improved Performance for Sony Files, and performance enhancements.

My Twitter Account Suspended

Without warning and for no reason.

Virtual Camera Club News

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.

This is The Digital Story Podcast #868, November 8, 2022. Today's theme is "Fujifilm Muscles Up with the New XT-5." I'm Derrick Story.

Opening Monologue

Yes, the Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S are great cameras for those who need those capabilities, but for many of us who are more straight photography oriented, the X Series is what caused us to fall in love with brand in the first place. And now with the announcement of the X-T5, the affairs continues. We'll take a look at the new 40MP wonder, plus more stories, on today's TDS Photography Podcast. I hope you enjoy the show.

Digital Photography Podcast 868

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Fujifilm Muscles Up with the New XT-5


Let's start with an overview of the specs:

  • 40MP APS-C X-Trans CMOS 5 HR BSI Sensor
  • 4K 120p, 6.2K 30p, FHD 240p 10-Bit Video
  • 7-Stop In-Body Image Stabilization
  • 425-Point Intelligent Hybrid AF System
  • 3.69m-Dot OLED Electronic Viewfinder
  • 3" 1.84m-Dot Tilting Touchscreen LCD
  • 20 fps E. Shutter, 15 fps Mech. Shutter
  • Improved Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity
  • ProRes & Blackmagic RAW via HDMI
  • 160MP Pixel Shift Multi-Shot

From B&H Explora - you can read the entire review here:

All of this is fine, but there are two and a half changes that I really noticed in my week of use. The first is a more robust grip: rather than the gradual slope of the XT-4, the hand rests along a steep wall that may not be much deeper than its predecessor but feels more secure in the hand. It was the first thing I noticed when I picked the camera up, and it's felt good every time since.

The other change is one I'm personally more conflicted about, but it's also something others will undoubtedly celebrate: the removal of the flip-out vari-angle screen. That particular feature is now the exclusive domain of the X-H series, where the functional benefit for video types (like me) will be universally worth the usability downgrade for photo types (like me). I was content to make that trade-off with the X-T4, but I know many resented it, and those folks will be quite happy with FUJIFILM's return to the 3-way tilt mechanism of the X-T3. This means that you can get your high- and low-angle photography without affecting the camera's rotational center of gravity: you don't need to compensate for the additional weight sticking out the left side, and you do feel that in your day to day. Additionally, that third "tilt," where the screen completely detaches on one side from the main mechanism, gives additional flexibility while shooting off-angle portraiture.

The biggest change to the XT-5 isn't visible: The X-Trans 5 looks just like its predecessor, but it is a milestone in APS-C engineering. The 40MP sensor means a massive 53% jump in pixel count, marking the largest increase the line has seen and may ever see. In fact, the X-Trans 5 sensor is the highest-resolution APS-C sensor on the market, period.

I love my X-T4 the same way I loved my X-T3 before it and the X-T2 before that but, once again, FUJIFILM has come out with a camera that's made me take a long, hard look at the credit limit on my Payboo card. Darn it, I think they've got me again.

The Fujifilm X-T5 is scheduled to begin shipping on Nov. 17, 2022. You can preorder it now for $1,699.00 US.

OM Digital Solutions is removing the Olympus name from its entire product portfolio

You can read the entire article on

Last year, OM Digital Solutions (OMDS) announced it would gradually transition from using the name the Olympus branding it acquired to its own OM System brand it developed. Now, that transition is getting fast tracked, just a week after OMDS announced the first interchangeable lens camera bearing its new OM System name, the OM-5.

In a press release posted to its Japanese website, OMDS announced will be replacing the 'Olympus' name on all of its current product lineup with 'OM System.' According to the announcement, the change will impact all products in OMDS' lineup, including cameras, lenses, binoculars and accessories. Aside from swapping 'Olympus' with 'OM System,' the affected products will otherwise remain unchanged, with the original specifications and build quality.

This change comes nearly two years after Japan Industrial Partners (JIP) completed its acquisition of Olympus' camera and imaging portfolio under its then-new OM Digital Solutions subsidiary. Ten months after the acquisition, OMDS announced its new OM System brand, which it implied would serve as the successor to the historic brand formerly known as Olympus.

The Olympus name has been on various cameras, lenses and accessories in some form since the 1930s. While the brand and the products bearing its name has seen various owners over the years under the greater Olympus umbrella, this transition to OM System appears to mark the end of a name that's been stamped on cameras of all shapes and sizes for almost a century, including the game-changing OM-1 and its popular Olympus Pen lineup.

The New Nimble Photographer Weekly Newsletter

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is now publishing every Thursday. Readers will enjoy a variety of content spanning from short photo essays, to commentary on weekly events, to reviews of the latest and coolest photo gear.

Because of this rotating content, you won't see the same layout each time. There will be a certain freshness about The Nimble Photographer Newsletter that you typically don't see with other publications.

The Nimble Photographer Newsletter is a valuable addition to our existing community benefits that include TheDigitalStory Podcast, The Nimble Photographer website, TheFilmCameraShop, and Derrick Story on

How to Sign Up

You can Sign Up for Free to the Nimble Photographer Newsletter and receive each edition weekly in your inbox.

I'm looking forward to sharing lots of great content with you.

Are Modern Photos Too Perfect?

You can read the entire article on

We are at a remarkable time in photography: cameras and lenses are more capable than ever, and we can create images that photographers could only dream of a decade ago. And for the most part, that is a great thing. However, there can be a downside to that. Are images too perfect nowadays?

Coming to you from aows, this interesting video discusses the idea of reintroducing imperfection to photos. I think this is an important thing to think about. A lot of photography today places technical perfection at the top of the list of priorities. And no doubt, we should not confuse the idea of deliberate imperfection with not possessing sound technique. Rather, we should reassess if the constant pursuit of technical perfection is hindering us from improving our photos in other ways. After all, there are a lot of photos out there that are clinically sharp, with beautiful colors and crisp editing, and yet, they are often somehow lacking something -- something that makes them compelling, that makes the viewer unable to look away. When our technique is good, it is time to make room for other aspects of image-making as well. Check out the video above for the full rundown.

Virtual Camera Club News

Update on the 2023 TDS Workshop Season - We're off to a great start for the 2023 TDS Workshop Season. Workshops are filling up quickly.

Inner Circle Members: A big thanks to those who support our podcast and our efforts! We are having a blast at our new Inner Circle hangout, the private group I've set up at DerrickStoryOnline. We'd love it if you join us. You can become an Inner Circle Member by signing up at our Patreon site. You will automatically be added to the new hangout.

My Writing on I now have 51 published articles on And if you haven't visited the site, and enjoy good writing on a variety of topics, I suggest that you may want to take a look. You can just go to the home page and enter "Derrick Story" in the search field. And if you like what you read, then follow me!

The New Donation Kit for Carefree Shipping of Found Film Cameras - If you've discovered a film camera that's no longer being used, our new Donation Kit makes it easy to pack and ship. Just visit the Contact Form on, click the box next to Donating a Film Camera, and let me know what you have. In your note, be sure to include your shipping address.

Affiliate Links - The links to some products in this podcast contain an affiliate code that credits The Digital Story for any purchases made from B&H Photo and Amazon via that click-through. Depending on the purchase, we may receive some financial compensation.

Red River Paper - And finally, be sure to visit our friends at Red River Paper for all of your inkjet supply needs.

See you next week!

You can share your thoughts at the TDS Facebook page, where I'll post this story for discussion.